Welcome, Class of 2029!
We are thrilled to welcome you to Maine Maritime Academy and look forward to meeting you in person soon. Here you will find information, tasks to complete, and opportunities to connect by attending one of our three New Student Orientation (NSO) sessions. New Student Orientation will allow you to connect with your peers, get to know our campus, and ensure you are ready for a successful fall semester.
Orientation Sessions
Choosing your NSO session is part of your housing application, which will open around February 15, 2025. Be sure to complete your housing application and choose which session you’d like to attend. These sessions are optional, but we do hope you will join us on campus.
Session Dates:
- Session 1: June 14, 2025 | 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
- Session 2: June 28, 2025* | 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
- Session 3: July 12, 2025** | 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Sessions are capped at 100 students so register early!
*Students needing to fly to campus are encouraged to attend this session, as there will be an evening activity offered on June 27.
**Non-traditional students and transfers are encouraged to attend this session.

New Student Orientation information is also available on the Maine Maritime Academy Mobile app – get the App now and tap the Orientation icon.

Communications & Other Information
New Student Orientation will be here before we know it! I’m excited to inform you that you have been assigned to Session 1 (or 2 or 3), which takes place Saturday, June 14, 2024 (June 28 or July 12).
We strongly encourage you to share this email with your family or anyone who may have an interest in learning more about Orientation or access to information for new students.
Check-in for New Student Orientation will be between 8:30 – 9:00 am on Saturday, June 1 (or June 15, July 13). Orientation will end by 4:30 PM. Lunch will be provided for students and guests during your NSO session. More information about the official schedule will be posted on the New Student Orientation page.
Parking will be available to participating students, guests, and families in the parking lots around Curtis Hall. You can see a map of campus here.
If you are an incoming student traveling in from out of state without family or other guests we may be able to provide transportation from the airport and housing for you the night before New Student Orientation. You will be able to request these accommodations once you’ve made travel arrangements.
To help us plan, we ask that all students complete the New Student Orientation Details Form at mystudentlife.mma.edu under “Forms”. HERE is a tutorial to help you complete that form. Please complete this form no later than May 22, 2024 (or two weeks before the Jun 15 or July 13 session).
Family and Guests:
Incoming students are welcome to bring up to 2 guests with them to New Student Orientation! While students participate in their student schedule, families and guests will have a session in the morning to address many of their questions, gain valuable insights into their student’s programs, and learn about their future here at Maine Maritime Academy in a session of their own. They will then be invited to have lunch with other families and some faculty and staff. There are several optional afternoon sessions for guests as well. Alternatively, if not interested in the afternoon sessions, family and guests can enjoy the area while their students continue their sessions and meet back up with them for the closing session.
MMA is unable to provide housing accommodations for families traveling to Castine for New Student Orientation in our residence halls; however, you can find more information on local accommodations and read about the Castine Area for additional resources for planning your visit. There may be availability in our on campus hotel rooms for reservation – please reach out to conference services at rachael.cotoni@mma.edu or 207-326-2283. Those families who wish to become further involved with the campus community are encouraged to join the Maine Maritime Academy Parents Association Facebook page.
Bucksport, Maine is the nearest town where there are also accommodations (Bucksport Inn & Fort Knox Park Inn), food and a bit to do!
If you have any further questions that need to be answered prior to arrival, please contact us or visit our New Student Information webpage.
We look forward to welcoming you to campus this summer!
Deidra Davis
Dean of Students
207.326.2138 || Curtis Hall
Pronouns: She|Her|Hers
***All communications with students will be via their mma.edu email. Please check this email regularly, a daily check is a great habit to build!***
Tasks to Complete
- Complete Housing Application (Opens February 15, 2025, closes July 15, 2025)
- Choose Meal Plan
- Sign Up For Orientation Session
- View Your Checklist
- View & Accept Financial Aid
- Register for Classes (starting June 2, 2025)
- View & Pay Your Bill
- Complete This Required Pre-Registration Training Course
- Registration for Fall courses opens June 2, 2025
- Registration for Fall courses closes June 15, 2025
Forms & Resources

- What to pack – Regimental Students (also see Regimental Uniform Issue List)(coming soon)
- What to pack – Independent Students (coming soon)
- Curtis Hall Room Pictures & Measurements
- Curtis Hall & Commons Photos

- Regimental Uniform Fitting Form (coming soon)
- Regimental Uniform Issue List (What’s in my Sea Bag?)(coming soon)
- Safety Shoe Video

- RPT Fitness Calendar (coming soon)
- RPT Summer Training Plan (coming soon)
- Summer Training Guide (coming soon)
I’m wondering about….
Your arrival date on campus depends on if you are a member of a fall athletic team, a member of the Regiment of Midshipmen, or an Independent student. If you have questions about when to arrive, please get in touch with Dan Gardner at daniel.gardner@mma.edu.
- Registration for Fall Courses Opens | Monday, June 2, 2025
- Registration for Fall Courses Closes | Sunday, June 15, 2025
- Housing Applications Due | Tuesday, July 15, 2025
- Roommate Assignments Are Announced | Monday, July 21, 2025
- Football Arrival | Wednesday, August 13, 2025
- Men & Women’s Soccer Arrival | TBA
- Volleyball’s Arrival | TBA
- Sailing’s Arrival | TBA
- Regimental Preparatory Training Arrival | Sunday, August 17, 2025
- Men and Women’s Cross Country Arrival (preseason for RPT students) | TBA
- Independent Student Arrival | Friday, August 22, 2025
- Academic Orientation & Convocation for First-Year Students | Monday, August 25, 2025
- First Day of Classes | Tuesday, August 26, 2025
Important MMA Residential Life dates are located on this page and can be used by students to prepare for the academic year.
For the full academic calendar visit the Academic Calendar page.
ADMISSIONS | 207-326-2207
BOOKSTORE | 207-326-2430
CAMPUS SAFETY | 207-326-2479
STUDENT ACCOUNTS | 207-326-2243
DEAN OF STUDENTS | 207-326-2138
DINING SERVICES | 207-326-2460
HEALTH SERVICES | 207-326-2305
IT (COMPUTER) HELP DESK | 207-326-2240
REGISTRAR | 207-326-2441
REGIMENT | 207-326-2250
RESIDENTIAL LIFE | 207-326-2264 or 207-326-2280
Welcome aboard Midshipmen Under Guidance (MUGS)! We are proud to welcome you to Maine Maritime Academy and look forward to getting to know you over the course of your New Student Orientation. If you have questions about the following resources, please contact Anne Kowalski, CWO5, at anne.kowalski@mma.edu or 207-326-2250.
Part of getting to know MMA is getting to know our abbreviations & acronyms!
- MEO – Marine Engineering Operations
- MET – Marine Engineering Technology
- MSE – Marine Systems Engineering
- PEO – Power Engineering Technology
- PET – Power Engineering Operations
- IBL – International Business & Logistics
- MB – Marine Biology
- MS -Marine Science
- MTO – Marine Transportation Operations
- VOT – Vessel Operations and Technology
- SVO – Small Vessel Operations
1) The lowest part of a ship’s hull
2) The Curtis Hall recreational space that hosts a kitchen, TVs, Video Game Lounge, Tabletop games, board games and general lounge space
- The Main Dining Room located in Alfond Student Center
- The dining area on a ship
1) The Regiment of Midshipmen allows students to apply for nontraditional student status within the Regiment if they are: 24 years of age or older, married, or a veteran with at least 2 years of military service and an honorable discharge
2) According to the ANTSHE (Association of Nontraditional Students in Higher Education) nontraditional students may have the following characteristics: being independent for financial aid purposes, having one or more dependents, being a single caregiver, not having a traditional high school diploma, delaying postsecondary enrollment, attending school part time, and being employed full time.
A critical component to being a leader in any field is being time conscious and having the ability to manage our time effectively. Many of you are familiar measuring time in 12 hour increments, however this can often cause confusion as to AM or PM hours. For matters of convenience and clear communication you will now measure time in 24 hour increments starting at 0000 and going until 2359. All Regimental Events will be posted using the 24 hour format therefore it is critical that midshipman learn and utilize this format if they wish to be successful during their time here.
24 Hour Cycle | 12 Hour Cycle |
0000 | Midnight |
0100 | 1 AM |
0200 | 2 AM |
0300 | 3 AM |
0400 | 4 AM |
0500 | 5 AM |
0600 | 6 AM |
0700 | 7 AM |
0800 | 8 AM |
0900 | 9 AM |
1000 | 10 AM |
1100 | 11 AM |
1200 | Noon |
1300 | 1 PM |
1400 | 2 PM |
1500 | 3 PM |
1600 | 4 PM |
1700 | 5 PM |
1800 | 6 PM |
1900 | 7 PM |
2000 | 8 PM |
2100 | 9 PM |
2200 | 10 PM |
2300 | 11 PM |
2400 | Midnight |
The IT department offers several services to help you with your technology needs while on campus. To learn more about these resources, please visit https://mainemaritime.edu/it-department/services-to-know/. Quick Tips info is here.
Information for Students and Prospective Students Seeking Accommodation for a Disability can be found on the Accessibility Services page. Questions about disability-related access or accommodations can be directed to MMA’s Accessibility Services at 207-326-2489 or accessibility@mma.edu.
All incoming students are required to complete this form. If you indicate at this point that you are requesting an academic or dietary accommodation for a physical or mental condition, the Accessibility and Academic Support Coordinator will contact you prior to the start of the academic year regarding the next steps in that process.
To learn more about MMA’s Dining Services, please visit MyDining at https://mainemaritime.sodexomyway.com/.
As we get closer to summer, a Class of 2029 Group Me Chat will be created! Along with your incoming classmates, there will be current students and staff members in the group who can answer questions and help connect you with resources at MMA.
You can learn more about finding a job and see the potential available jobs on the Student Employment webpage.
Due to the small size of the campus, and the limited parking available, first-year students are not eligible to have a vehicle.
If you’d like to connect with other parents and also see information about what’s happening at MMA, here’s a couple of options: Maine Maritime Academy Parents Association Facebook page.
If you’d like to order a birthday cake for your student you can do that by clicking here. You can find this on the Regimental page, but your student does NOT have to be in the Regiment for you to do this!
Finance & Billing Office
Fall semester bill is due August 1 and Spring/Summer semesters are due December 15, based on current registration and housing information.
All students are required to check their bills on the MyMMA portal to arrange for payment.
Sign onto mymma.mma.edu>Students>Billing,>Finances>Statement or Balance. (Balance click on details and the Current Semester)
Statement will be published to the portal about a month prior to the due date. Students with unpaid balances are placed on STOP and are unable to see grades or register for the next semester until paid.
Methods of Payment:
Check: Make Payable to Maine Maritime Academy. Addressed to MMA Cashier’s Office. Please provide the student’s ID number in the memo section of the check.
Online payments: Through Cashnet whereby payments can be made using an Electronic check (ACH or direct debit) or by Credit/Debit Card (subject to a 2.85% processing fee). Pay online by signing on to the MyMMA Portal, Students, Billing, Make a Payment.
Nelnet Campus Commerce: Offer an option for a monthly payment plan to pay all or a portion of the bill. Visit www.mycollegepaymentplan.com to learn more about this plan.
Regimental Student Uniforms
Students in an unlimited License program or electing to enter the Regiment must pay approximately $660.00 directly to the MMA Bookstore, due by August 1. Please note that students will not see the $660.00 payment as a credit on their billing statement. The remaining balance of the approximately $2840.00 in uniform fees will appear on the fall statement and will be due directly to MMA.
All scholarships from outside organizations for Fall and/or Spring semester must be reported to the Financial Aid office prior to July 1. These will then be reflected as anticipated payments when bills are generated.
Health Insurance
All MMA students are required to have health insurance and are also required to complete the Health Insurance information on the portal annually. MMA does offer a policy for those who do not already have coverage or want to purchase a supplement. This 2024-2025 policy premium is $2129.00. All students MUST complete the Health Insurance information regardless of their choice of coverage. To complete your required choice, sign on to the MyMMA portal, Students, Resources & Forms, Medical Insurance Info., complete all the required fields and submit. All students (new and returning) must complete this requirement annually by July 1.
Please visit Maine Maritime Academy 2024-2025 – Cross Insurance (crossagency.com) for more information about the policy.
Questions specific to student billing can be directed to the Finance/Billing Office:
Phone: 207-326-2450, 207-326-2236, or 207-326-2243
Email: Shayna.Glick@mma.edu, Casey.Littlefield@mma.edu or Diane.Harmon@mma.edu
The Mailroom is located on the lower level of Alfond. When student mail/packages arrive, it is placed in a mailbox, and the student receives an email stating they have mail and gives them a code to use to unlock the mailbox containing their mail. The student punches the code into the mailbox system, and the door to the mailbox containing their mail opens. Access to the mailboxes is 24/7.
Student mail should be addressed as follows:
Student’s First and Last Name
70 Pleasant St.
Castine, ME 04420
Questions about accessibility or requests for accommodations can be directed to MMA’s Accessibility Services at 207-326-2489 or accessibility@mma.edu.
Questions about housing, orientation, or general student life can be directed to Student Services at 207-326-2264 or daniel.gardner@mma.edu.
Questions about the Regiment can be directed to the Regimental staff at 207-326-2250 or 207-326-2245 or kelly.gualtieri@mma.edu.
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