In 2019 the United States Congress voted to approve funding for the United States Maritime Administration (MARAD) to commission a new class of five National Security Multi-Mission Vessels (NSMV) to be stationed at State Maritime Academies (SMAs) throughout the United States. In spring/summer of 2025, Maine Maritime Academy is poised to receive the third NSMV Training Ship State of Maine V being built in the Philadelphia Shipyard and administered by TOTE Services.

Maine Maritime is proud to be welcoming a new training vessel to its waterfront. Training Ship State of Maine V will elevate the academic and cadet experience at the Academy and will continue the town’s rich maritime heritage, as Castine has been the home of large vessels for centuries both in construction and shipping.

The design of each vessel is dictated by MARAD and is uniform apart from some internal outfitting at the discretion of individual SMA leadership. Training Ship State of Maine V will serve as state-of-the-art cadet training vessel. Vessels will also be equipped to support major federal relief efforts medical capabilities and berthing for first responders and recovery workers and facilitate container storage and critical support equipment to areas impacted by natural disasters.

To accommodate berthing requirements outlined by MARAD, the Maine Maritime waterfront will undergo renovations beginning in the fall of 2023. Since 2022, the Academy, together with a team of maritime engineers have been working with officials from federal, state and municipal offices on permitting and design needs.

Please visit this page for construction notices and the most recent information on waterfront development.


  • Mobilize on site
  • Probing barge arrives
  • Pile probing


  • Fabricate pile frames
  • Install pile frames for access pier, bents I-O


  • Fabricate pile frames
  • Install pile frames at pier head bents 5-13


  • Complete install of drive frames bents 5-13
  • Drilling sub-contractor mobilization
  • First pipe pile delivery
  • Pipe pile install

MMA’s contractor will be boring for soil samples in the area of the MMA proposed docks. This operation will take place from a moored barge. This soil testing is part of the design phase.

Mariners should use caution.

Barge arrival on 6/16/23
Active work from 6/19/2023 to 7/10/2023

MMA Proposed Water Boring and Dredge Sampling Location Plan w/ Aerial (PDF)

Michael Dickerson 207-326-2735,

TIME: Friday, August 2, 2024 @ 9:00 a.m.
LOCATION: Emerson Hall, 67 Court St, Castine Maine

The NSMV is an important asset for the Academy, Castine, and the country. The NSMV is owned by MARAD and jointly operated by MARAD and Maine Maritime Academy. It is an advanced training vessel that will ensure MMA students receive the highest quality, hands-on educational opportunities available anywhere in the world. In addition to being an educational platform, the NSMV is a federal asset capable of responding to humanitarian disasters with the ability to provide emergency services.

The NSMV will be equipped with:

  • Berthing for up to 1,000 people
  • Hospital facilities
  • Water desalination capabilities
  • A helicopter pad
  • Training spaces, including eight classrooms, a full training bridge, workshops, lab spaces and an auditorium
  • Thrusters and a flap-type rudder to allow the ship to moor without tugs
  • Roll-on/roll-off and container storage, with a cargo crane and side ramp for self-loading

Please email with inquiries. Maine Maritime will respond to these inquiries in monthly meetings held to update the Castine community.