Parking Management
Welcome to Maine Maritime Academy
To ensure your time on campus is as pleasant as possible, please familiarize yourself with the campus parking rules. Owners of vehicles parked on Maine Maritime Academy property park at their own risk. Maine Maritime Academy is not responsible for theft, fire, water damage, vandalism or any other damages that might occur while parked on property owned or under the control of the Academy. Owners and operators of motor vehicles on campus are required by Maine law and by this policy to carry and maintain liability insurance on their vehicle and are encouraged to regularly monitor their vehicles parked in Academy lots.
Faculty, staff, and students must register their vehicle with Campus Safety and obtain an MMA parking permit before parking at MMA. A valid permit must be properly displayed on any vehicle parked on property owned or under the control of Maine Maritime Academy. Visitors may park in one of the designated visitor parking spaces or obtain a visitor parking permit from Campus Safety. MMA Faculty, staff and students may not park in visitor parking spaces. Parking is permitted only in areas designated for parking. Parking is prohibited, whether it is posted or not, in roadways, loading zones, service and delivery areas, fire lanes, sidewalks, spots that block access to the dumpsters, and on all grass. Under no circumstances are vehicles authorized to be plugged into any building on campus (charging stations excluded). Lack of space in a convenient parking lot is not a valid excuse for violating the parking rules. The first step to order a permit is to create a buyer account – Instructions to Create Account. Once you have created your buyer account, if you are eligible to buy a parking permit, you may proceed to purchase a permit – Instructions to Buy a Permit.
Failure to comply with the parking rules may result in fees, removal of the vehicle at the owner’s risk and expense, suspension and/or revocation of parking privileges, and/or appropriate disciplinary actions, including, but not limited to, proceedings under the Student Conduct Code, or any combinations of such penalties.
The fact that a vehicle is unlawfully parked or is involved in a moving violation shall be prima facie evidence of the act of such vehicle by the person in whose name the vehicle is registered, or if the vehicle is not registered with MMA, the person in whose name the vehicle is registered with the appropriate Department of Motor Vehicles.
If you have any questions, please contact the Department of Campus Safety at 207-326-2479 or Please note that in order to protect the privacy of student records, inquiries regarding student parking permits and violations must be initiated by the student
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