Student Affairs Policies
Due to the small size of the campus, and the limited parking available, first year students are not eligible to have a vehicle. All students, staff, and faculty are encouraged to walk to and from class and other activities. All MMA faculty, staff and students who are eligible to park their vehicle on campus, at the Waterfront or in the Penobscot lot during the academic year must register their vehicle and properly display a current MMA parking permit at all times. Individuals may register for permits online at Permits may be picked up at Campus Safety (Windlass House), after the permit has been ordered.
Student Permits On-Campus (Curtis Hall and Commons): Permits are issued on a first-come, first-serve basis for $150.00. First year students may not have a vehicle on campus and are prohibited from purchasing a parking permit.
Commuter Students: Students who live off-campus may purchase a Commuter Parking permit for $50.00. Purchasing a Commuter Parking permit does not guarantee a parking space. If all of the commuter parking spaces are full, students are encouraged to park on Pleasant Street, Main Street or at the Fort George Parking lot.
Penobscot Lot: This is on off-campus parking lot located on Route 199 in Penobscot Maine. The lot is used to accommodate vehicles of students unable to purchase Student or Commons permits due to limited parking availability on campus. There is no charge for this lot, but all vehicles must be registered with Campus Safety and display a permit to be parked here.
***A shuttle, run by Student Services to the Penobscot Lot is available on Friday afternoons and Sunday evenings. Students are required to contact the front desk of Curtis Hall (326-2137) in advance to schedule a shuttle ride. Campus Safety may suspend the shuttle due to hazardous roads/weather conditions.
Personal Property
Owners of vehicles parked on Maine Maritime Academy property park at their own risk. Maine Maritime Academy is not responsible for theft, fire, water damage, vandalism or any other damages that might occur while parked on property owned or under the control of the Academy. Owners and operators of motor vehicles on campus are required by Maine law and by this policy to carry and maintain liability insurance on their vehicle and are encouraged to regularly monitor their vehicles parked in Academy lots.
Upon entering MMA, all regimental students are required to purchase uniforms (normally at the bookstore) to be worn only as authorized by the Commandant of Midshipmen. Uniforms and equipment become the property of the student and may not be returned to the Academy. Non-regimental students are not subject to a uniform requirement.
Vacations are usually scheduled around Thanksgiving, Christmas/Winter, early March, and during the summer. Our residence hall and dining facilities close over academic year breaks. Midshipmen receiving federal incentive payments should be aware that federal regulations specify limits on medical leave, leaves of absence, and vacations in order to continue to receive such payment. Current regulations are available at the Academy.
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