Marine Systems Engineering (Non-License Track)

The Non-License Track of Marine Systems Engineering is a four-year Bachelor of Science program including all the humanities, math, science, and engineering analysis and design courses of the 5-year Marine Systems Engineering program, but without many of the engineering operations courses required by the 5-year program. It does not lead to eligibility to sit for the USCG Third Assistant Engineer’s license.

The MSE Non-License Track program is one of the more academically rigorous courses of study at Maine Maritime Academy. Comparable to the mechanical engineering curricula of other institutions, MSE Non-License Track is distinguished by its grounding in marine applications and naval architecture.

Successful completion of the 4-year program leads to a Bachelor of Science degree in Marine Systems Engineering – Non License Track, and prepares the graduate for careers in engineering design, consulting, or management in maritime, industrial power, or general engineering fields. Graduates of this non-license track are also well prepared to pursue advanced study at graduate school in numerous engineering disciplines.

The following table outlines the normal sequence of courses taken by students majoring in Marine Systems Engineering – Non-License Track:

2024/Fall – Undergraduate/Bachelor of Science/Marine Systems Engineering (Non-License Track)

Major Requirements

Credits : 147.00 Min  |  151.00 Max
2.250 Core GPA Minimum
2.000 Overall GPA Minimum
First Year Semester 1
Courses : 7 Min  |  7 Max Credits : 18.00 Min  |  18.00 Max
Course Name Credits
CS151 Introduction to Engineering Programming 3.00
EG101 Fundamentals of Engineering Operations 3.00
EG243 Welding 2.00
ES180 Engineering Design I 2.00
FY100 First Year Experience 1.00
HC111 Composition 3.00
MS150 Calculus I 4.00
Total : 18.00
First Year Sem1 Swim PE
Courses : 1 Min  |  1 Max Credits : 0.50 Min  |  0.50 Max
Course Name Credits
PE102 Basic Water Skills  (Optional) 0.50
PE113 Lifeguard Training  (Optional) 1.00
PE114 Ocean Survival  (Optional) 0.50
PE122 Water Basketball  (Optional) 0.50
PE123 Water Polo  (Optional) 0.50
Total : 3.00
First Year Sem1 Phys Ed
Courses : 1 Min  |  1 Max Credits : 0.50 Min  |  0.50 Max
Course Name Credits
PE% Any PE Course  (Optional)
First Year Semester 2
Courses : 5 Min  |  5 Max Credits : 17.50 Min  |  17.50 Max
Course Name Credits
CH152 Engineering Chemistry 4.00
ES196 Ship Systems & Design 2.50
ET101 Graphics 3.00
MS160 Calculus II 4.00
PS162 Physics I 4.00
Total : 17.50
Sophomore Semester 1
Courses : 5 Min  |  5 Max Credits : 18.00 Min  |  18.00 Max
Course Name Credits
EG292 Diesel Power I 3.00
ES201 Introduction to Thermal Fluid Science 5.00
ES205 Engineering Statics 3.00
MS251 Prob & Statistics For Eng & Science 3.00
PS261 Physics II 4.00
Total : 18.00
Sophomore Semester 2
Courses : 6 Min  |  6 Max Credits : 18.50 Min  |  18.50 Max
Course Name Credits
EG252 Machine Tool Operations I 2.50
ES235 Engineering Strength of Materials 3.00
ES352 Engineering Thermodynamics II 3.00
ES371 Enhanced Electrical Power I 4.00
ET351 Thermal/Fluids Lab 2.00
MS252 Engineering Math I 4.00
Total : 18.50
Sophomore Semester 3
Courses : 1 Min  |  1 Max Credits : 1.50 Min  |  4.00 Max
Course Name Credits
CO203 Cooperative Experience Eng I 4.00
Total : 4.00
Junior Semester 1
Courses : 6 Min  |  6 Max Credits : 18.00 Min  |  18.00 Max
Course Name Credits
ES420 And Engineering Dynamics 3.00
ET432 And Power Control Electronics 3.00
HC220 And Humanities I 3.00
MS260 And Differential Equations 3.00
OC101 And Introduction to Ocean Science 3.00
( EG321 Or Steam Turbines I 3.00
EG261 Or Steam Generators I 3.00
EG372 ) Electrical Power II 3.00
Total : 18.00
Junior Semester 2
Courses : 5 Min  |  5 Max Credits : 15.00 Min  |  15.00 Max
Course Name Credits
ES245 Engineering Fluid Mechanics 3.00
ES380 Engineering Design II 3.00
ES490 Numerical & Computer Methods for Enginee 3.00
ET452 Technical Communications 3.00
NA372 Naval Architecture I 3.00
Total : 15.00
Junior Sem2 Tech Elect
Courses : 1 Min  |  1 Max Credits : 2.00 Min  |  3.00 Max
Course Name Credits
EG% Any EG Course
ES% Any ES Course
ET% Any ET Course
NA% Any NA Course
Junior Semester 3
Courses : 1 Min  |  1 Max Credits : 1.50 Min  |  2.00 Max
Course Name Credits
CO400 Cooperative Industrial Field Exp 1.50
Total : 1.50
Senior Semester 1
Courses : 5 Min  |  5 Max Credits : 15.00 Min  |  15.00 Max
Course Name Credits
ES430 Machine Design 3.00
ES433 Control Systems Engineering 3.00
ES501 Engineering Materials 3.00
MS451 Engineering Mathematics II 3.00
NA430 Naval Architecture II 3.00
Total : 15.00
Senior Sem1 SS Elective
Courses : 1 Min  |  1 Max Credits : 3.00 Min  |  3.00 Max
Course Name Credits
EC% Any EC Course
GE% Any GE Course
PO% Any PO Course
PY% Any PY Course
Senior Semester 2
Courses : 3 Min  |  3 Max Credits : 9.00 Min  |  9.00 Max
Course Name Credits
ET377 Engineering Economics 3.00
HC230 Humanities II 3.00
NA599 Capstone Design Project 3.00
Total : 9.00
Senior Sem2 Hum-SS Elective
Courses : 1 Min  |  1 Max Credits : 3.00 Min  |  3.00 Max
Course Name Credits
EC% Any EC Course
GE% Any GE Course
HC% Any HC Course
HMSS% Any Hum/SS Transfer Course
HY% Any HY Course
PO% Any PO Course
PY% Any PY Course
Humanities Elective
Courses : 1 Min  |  1 Max Credits : 3.00 Min  |  3.00 Max
Course Name Credits
HC% Any HC Course
HY% Any HY Course
Senior Sem2 Free Elective
Courses : 1 Min  |  1 Max Credits : 3.00 Min  |  3.00 Max
Course Name Credits
% Any Course