Minor Programs and Concentrations

All Academic Departments at Maine Maritime Academy offer opportunities for specialization in one or more areas of study. Students wishing to receive credit for a specialized program of study should consult with the designated minor or concentration coordinator(s) to receive advice.

Minor Guidelines

A minor program generally consists of 18 credit hours of courses related to a specialized field of study and included on the official list of courses acceptable for that minor. A minimum of 12 of the 18 credit hours must be taken at Maine Maritime Academy. Courses identified for one minor cannot be counted for another minor.

Concentration Guidelines

A concentration generally consists of 18 hours of courses related to a specific field of study within, or extending the student’s major program, and included on the official list of courses acceptable for that concentration. A minimum of 12 of the 18 credit hours must be taken at Maine Maritime Academy. Courses identified for one concentration may not be counted toward any other concentration or minor.

Grade Requirements

To qualify for a minor or a concentration, a student must meet all requirements for graduation from Maine Maritime Academy. Students are required to obtain a GPA of at least a 2.00 in the minor or concentration with no more than one grade below a “C”.

More Than One Minor or Concentration

Students desiring approval to pursue more than one minor and/or concentration must have approval from advisors in each of the sequences. To receive more than one minor and/or concentration, a student must satisfy all the requirements listed above for each sequence.

See the Academic Policy section on Maximum Credit Hour Loads for the course overload policy.

Also refer to each Department’s Catalog or web page regarding specialization opportunities within their respective programs of study.

Minor/Concentration Requirements


Required Courses:
MA101 Intro to Business & Supply Chain Mgmt 3
MA111 Financial Accounting 3
MA222 Marketing Management 3
And any 2 of the following:
EC102 Microeconomics 3
EC103 Macroeconomics 3
LO201 Business Logistics 3
LO213 Freight Transportation 3
LO311 Logistics Information Systems 3
LO344 Warehousing & Distribution Management 3
LO346 Global Sourcing & Procurement Negotiation 3
LO422 International Logistics 3
LO432 Strategic Supply Chain Management 3
MA204 International Business 3
MA242 Managerial Accounting 3
MA332 Business Law 3
MA343 Financial Management 3
MA422 International Business Law 3
MA470 Applied Business Logistics Education 0.5-4
MA498 Special Topics: IBL 1-3
And any 1 of the following:
ET377 Engineering Economics 3
GE221 Geographic Information Science 4
HC232 Management Communication 3
MS253 Statistics for Business & Management 3
NS122 Cargo I 3
NS131 Introduction to Marine Transportation 3
NS210 Tanker Operations 4
NS301 Stability 3
NS335 Yacht Management 3
NS420 Ship’s Business 3
NV401 Leadership & Management 3
NV402 Leadership & Ethics 3
OS203 Design & Applied Stat in Science 4

Environmental Sustainability

The environmental sustainability minor is an interdisciplinary course of study that introduces the foundational concepts necessary for work in environmental science, policy or remediation. The core courses ensure understanding of the science and sociology of environmental problems. Follow on courses allow students to focus on different aspects of sustainability in industry.

Required Courses:
CH101 or

CH210 or


Chemical Principles

Chemistry I

Engineering Chemistry




EN202 Introduction to Sustainability 3
HC260 Sustainable Energy & Society 3
And any 3 of the following:
EG350 Intro to Environmental Regulations & Ethical Industrial Compliance 3
EN236 Oil Pollution Prevention & Response 3
ET240 Onshore and Offshore Wind Energy 3
ET498 Power Engineering Technology Capstone I 3
OS220 Marine Pollution 3
OS230 Global Environmental Change 3
OS321 Coastal Resource Management 3
EN399 Special Topics in Environmental Sustainability 3-4
Additional courses as approved by the minor coordinator

Humanities & Social Science

Required Courses:
HC220 or


Humanities I

Humanities II



Any HC course except





Management Communication




And any HY, PY, GE, or PO course 1-3
In addition, following may be used to fulfill minor requirements.
NV202 Seapower and Maritime Affairs 3
NV310 The Evolution of Warfare 3
NV402 Leadership & Ethics 3
NV411 Fundamentals of Maneuver Warfare 3
Nine credit hours of the 18 credits required must be at the 300 level or higher.
*IBL majors: no courses required of your major may be used for this minor.

Industrial Power Plant Technology

*Required Courses:
ET211 or


Thermodynamics I

Introduction to Thermal Fluid Science



ET212 or


Thermodynamics II

Engineering Thermodynamics II



ET498 PET Capstone I 4
ET499 Power Engineering Technology Capstone II 5
And any 1 of the following:
ET201 Fluid Power 3
ET377 Engineering Economics 3
ET202 Statics and Dynamics 4
EG491 Diesel Power III 3
ET378 Computer Applications for Power 3
MS251 Prob & Statistics for Eng. & Science 3
Optional for a Concentration:
ET401 Automation and Control 3
ET432 Power Control Electronics 3
EG422 Steam Power Systems II 3
Others with the approval of the advisor.

Marine Biology

Marine biology is the focused study of marine organisms and their role in the ocean environment.  The marine biology minor introduces students to general concepts in biology, and applies those concepts to marine botany and marine zoology.  Students can further tailor their interests within the marine biology minor by focusing on advanced topics in ecology, physiology, cell biology, genetics, and other specialized topics.  Students in the minor will also develop field and laboratory skills, as well as skills in scientific communication.

Required Courses:
BI101 General Biology I 4
BI102 General Biology II 4
BI210 Marine Zoology 4
BI220 Marine Botany 4
And any 2 of the following:
BI201 Ecology 4
BI218 Animal Behavior 3
BI301 Marine Organism Physiology 4
BI306 Ichthyology 4
BI308 Cell Biology 4
BI312 Genetics 3

Marine Engineering Operations

Required Courses:
EG101 Fundamentals of Engineering Operations 2
CE103 First Year Cruise-Engine 4
EG261 Steam Generators I 3
EG292 Diesel Power I 3
ET371 Electrical Power I 4
And 5 credits from the following:
ET101 Graphics 3
ET201 Fluid Power 3
EG252 Machine Tool Operations I 2.5
EG321 Steam Turbines I 3
EG372 Electrical Power II 3
EG392 Diesel Power II 3
ET211 Thermodynamics I 3
EG243 Welding 2

Marine Transportation Operations

Required Courses:
NS101 Introduction to Nautical Science 2
NS241 Seamanship 2
And 15 credits of NS-designated courses.


Required Courses:
MS252 Engineering Math I 4
MS260 Differential Equations 3
And at least 1 of the following:
MS251 Prob & Statistics for Eng & Science 3
MS253 Statistics for Business & Management 3
MS451 Engineering Mathematics II 3
And up to 2 courses from: computer programming, physics, engineering, math (except calculus courses) approved by minor advisor.

Naval Architecture

Required Courses:
NA152 or


Ship Structure & Stability

Ship Structure



NS301 Stability 3
ET202 or


Statics and Dynamics

Engineering Statics



ET230 or


Strength of Materials

Engineering Strength of Materials



ET201 or


Fluid Power

Engineering Fluid Mechanics



NA372 Naval Architecture I 3
NA430 Naval Architecture II 3

Naval Science

Required Courses:
NV101 Intro to Naval Science 3
EG101 Fundamentals of Engineering Operations 2
NV202 Seapower and Maritime Affairs 3
NV211 Naval Ship Systems II (Weapons) 3
NV301 and



NV310 and



Naval Operations & Seamanship


The Evolution of Warfare

Fundamentals of Maneuver Warfare






NV402 Leadership & Ethics 3

Nuclear Engineering

The nuclear engineering minor is a course of study that introduces the foundational concepts of atomic energy and nuclear materials necessary for work in careers focused on power generation, radiation safety, reliability and risk assessment, regulatory affairs, as well as the burgeoning fields of zero-emission energy solutions. The core courses ensure understanding not only of the science and engineering, but also the history, sociology and environmental aspects of atomic energy and nuclear materials.

Required Courses:
EG268 Steam Power Systems or EG261 Steam Generators I 3
Introduction to Nuclear Engineering or
Introduction to Nuclear Engineering Operations
NE302 Nuclear Materials & Applications 3
And any Three (3) of the following:
EG350 Environmental Regulation & Compliance 3
ET250 Risk Assessment & Reliability Engineering 3
HC260 Sustainable Energy & Society 3
EG385 Steam Generators or EG382 Steam Power Systems I 3
NE405 Health Physics and Radiation Measurement Laboratory 3
Or other courses approved by the minor coordinator.


Oceanography is the study of the earth’s oceans: their biological, geological, physical, and chemical processes, how these processes interact, and interactions between oceans and the atmosphere, the sea bed, and coastlines. The minor in oceanography, offered by the Corning School of Ocean Studies, provides a background that explores each of the major disciplines, but the curriculum can be tailored toward a student’s particular interest. An oceanography minor enhances a student’s understanding of the science of the ocean and provides them with practical analytical techniques for ocean observing. For students interested in careers on the ocean in business or as vessel operators, this minor provides knowledge about the physical world within which they will operate.

Required Courses:
OC101 or


Introduction to Ocean Science

Intro to Oceanography & Environmental  Science



Plus courses from the following:
BI210 Marine Zoology 4
BI220 Marine Botany 4
BI306 Ichthyology 4
OS210 Physical Oceanography 4
OS204 Physical Geology 4
OS212 Chemical Oceanography 4
OS213 Biological Oceanography 3
OS499 Special Topics in Ocean Studies 1-3
For a total of 18 credits in Ocean Studies coursework.

Physical Science

Required Courses:
18 credit hours from the following fields:

Chemistry, meteorology, ocean studies, or physics.

At least 2 courses must be of a sequential nature and the minor advisor must approve inclusion of any course towards this minor.

Sail Training

Required Courses:
At least 18 credit hours in the following courses:
PE200 Intermediate Sailing 0.5
NS344 Traditional Vessel Technology 3

This course is required unless waived by the Minor Coordinator due to prior significant sailing experience.

Auxiliary Sail Training Cruise








NS341 Auxiliary Sail Vessel Operations 3
NS321 Weather Routing
PE401 Advanced Sail Vessel Handling 1
NS343 Modern Sail Vessel Technology 3
NS443 Rigging Technology 3
NS445 Sailmaking Technology 3
Note: For a Concentration, only 12 credit hours from the above courses is required.
Students not enrolled in the VOT major must take at least 6 credit hours in the following courses:
PE100 Basic Sailing 0.5
PE114 Ocean Survival 0.5
NS241 Seamanship 2
NS132 Small Craft Technology 3
NS135 Small Craft Construction 3
NS232 Marine Systems 3
NS301 Stability 3

Small Vessel Operations

Required Courses:
NS101 Introduction to Nautical Science 2
NS262 Navigation Rules 3
NS271 Terrestrial Navigation I 3
NS272 Terrestrial Navigation Lab 1
Plus any 3 NS-designated courses to total not less than 18 credit hours.

Technical Science

Required Courses:
ET211 or


Thermodynamics I

Engineering Thermodynamics I



Plus Any 3 or 5 of the following:
ET202 or


Statics and Dynamics

Engineering Statics



ET212 or


Thermodynamics II

Engineering Thermodynamics II



ET230 or


Strength of Materials

Engineering Strength of Materials



ES245 Engineering Fluid Mechanics 3
ES420 Engineering Dynamics 3
Up to 2 of the following:
MS120 Technical Calculus II 4
MS160 Calculus II 4
MS251 Prob & Statistics For Eng & Science 3
MS252 Engineering Math I 4
CS150 Structured Problem Solving with Computer 3
CS220 C/C++ Programming 3
The minor advisor may approve other courses.