Academic Policies

Advising & Registration


The student is responsible to fulfill all academic requirements to achieve his or her selected academic major. The faculty and staff are responsible for advising and facilitating the student’s effort.

Academic Advising

Academic advising is the process by which faculty and staff advisors provide information and advice to assigned student advisees. The purpose is for advisors to assist students in making decisions that will result in the completion of their degree programs in the most effective way. This process is an important part of the college education at Maine Maritime Academy. A successful academic advising program is dependent upon the shared commitment of students, faculty, staff, and administration.

Students are responsible for scheduling, preparing for, and keeping advising appointments; collecting appropriate information; knowing the basic requirements for their individual degree program and college policies; and making their own final decisions along with taking responsibility for the results.

Advisors are responsible for having a thorough knowledge of the degree requirements for the program in which their advisees are enrolled and college policies and procedures that affect their advisees. Advisors should also be aware of what career opportunities graduates have and of the other advising and counseling resources available at the college. Advisors may need to contact advisees to schedule meetings, particularly new advisees and those who are having academic problems. Advisors are expected to be available to students on a regular basis, monitor their advisees’ progress, assist in considering options, and make referrals to other sources of help.

The Administration of the college will support academic advisors by providing clear and accurate information on policies, procedures, resources and programs. The college is committed to helping advisors develop effective advising skills, to evaluate the advising system, and to make improvements where needed. Further, the college acknowledges the time requirements for effective advising and the important contribution advisors make through appropriate recognition and reward.

Priority for Course Registration

Maine Maritime Academy works to ensure that all students who are admitted to our academic programs can register for the required courses necessary to complete their academic programs in a timely manner (2, 4, or 5 year degree programs). In instances where students have failed courses, transferred from another institution, deviated from the recommended sequence, elected dual majors or taken a leave of absence, it may not be possible to provide all required courses in a two, four or five year time frame. Registration for non-required courses cannot be guaranteed because of possible schedule conflicts and enrollment limits. The Registrar will build a course schedule that provides students who are on track with all of their required courses and will meet the elective requests of as many students as possible. The following guidelines will be used in the registration process:

  • First priority for course enrollment will be for students who are on track and for whom the course is required.
  • Second priority will be for students who require the course but are off track because of transfer or failures.
  • Third priority will be for students wishing to take a course as an elective.
  • Within the above guidelines, registration priority will be given in the following order:
    • Scheel scholars
    • Seniors
    • Juniors
    • Sophomores
    • First Year
  • Students dropped from an elective because of enrollment limits in one term will be put on a waiting list and given priority for enrollment in subsequent terms subject to the priorities and order listed above.

The above priorities apply to course or waiting list registration only during the official registration weeks. Courses added during the add/drop period will be on a first-come, first-served basis and dependent upon space availability.


Prerequisites for courses may be waived by consent of the instructor and the designated department chair, unless the catalog specifically states that the prerequisite may not be waived. A minimum grade may be included as part of each prerequisite.

Credit Hour

A credit hour is one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester or trimester per hour of credit. Students should expect to spend at least an equivalent amount of work as required above for other academic activities as established by the institution including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.

Maximum Credit Hour Loads

Students wishing to register for credit hour overloads in any semester may do so in conformity with the following:

  1. A student on academic probation may register for only 16 credit hours in any semester.
  2. A student in good standing may take no more than three additional credit hours above those required in the semester in question.
  3. A student on the Dean’s List in the previous semester may take up to six additional credit hours above those required for the semester in question.
  4. Exceptions to the above are subject to the discretion of the student’s program advisor and the Department Chair of the student’s major, or in the case of students on probation, approval must be sought from the Dean of Faculty.

Students enrolling in more than 17 credit hours not normally required by their major in a semester will incur an additional credit hour fee as described under Tuition and Fees in the Affording MMA section.


General Education Elective: Any course in the disciplines of humanities, mathematics, science or social science not required by the student’s major. Students must meet all prerequisites.

Technical Elective: Any course, not required by the student’s major, in which a body of knowledge or technique is specifically applied to a discipline or profession and for which the student meets all prerequisites.

Free Elective:  Any course not required in one’s major that does not contain a body of knowledge substantially similar to a course already taken or required, and for which the student meets all prerequisites. In any case, such a course should represent a progressive expansion of knowledge for the student.

Department Elective:  Any course in the department in which the major resides, not required for the student’s major and for which the student meets all prerequisites.

Business Elective:  Any Management (MA) or Logistics (LO) course, not required by the student’s major, for which the student meets all prerequisites.

Social Science Elective:  Any social science course not specifically required in the student’s major and for which the student meets all prerequisites.

Humanities Elective: Any humanities course not specifically required by the student’s major and for which the student meets all prerequisites.

Subject to maximum credit hour limits, students are encouraged to take extra electives. Students who have completed all scheduled elective requirements may take extra electives on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis if desired. Such satisfactory/unsatisfactory electives will not count toward the elective requirements; be used for credit in a minor program; be computed in the GPA; or be included as part of the minimum credit hours for graduation.

Adding and Dropping Courses

The add/drop period is the week prior to classes beginning and the first week of both the fall and spring semesters and the first two days of summer classes. This no-penalty period is an opportunity for students to add or drop courses. Courses dropped after the add/drop period of any semester are subject to withdrawal procedures. Financial refunds are not provided for course withdrawals. Add/drop arrangements are initiated by completing a form provided by the Registrar, and obtaining approvals as indicated on the form.

Changing Majors

A request for a Change of Major will be considered by the Dean of Faculty with deadlines for applications in mid-October and mid-March.

Attendance Policy

Students are expected to adhere to the attendance policy of faculty members as expressed in the course syllabus. Maine Maritime Academy courses in which there is STCW embedded material require attendance as stipulated in the course syllabus. The course instructor will maintain attendance records. Any missed course material or content must be made up to the satisfaction of the course instructor to ensure embedded course requirements are met. The instructor may request departmental review if the student cannot complete the requirement by the end of the semester.


Grades with their quality points are reported as described below. The grade point average (GPA) is determined by multiplying the quality points by the credit hours attempted for each course, then summing these products for all courses and dividing by the total credit hours attempted, including those courses with failing grades.

Quality Points

A 4.0
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B 3.0
B- 2.7
C+ 2.3
C 2.0
C- 1.7
D+ 1.3
D 1.0
D- 0.7
F 0.0 Failure (no credit received).
S Satisfactory completion of a course. Not included in the computation of grade point average (GPA) but credit hours are applicable toward graduation requirements.
U Unsatisfactory completion of a course. No quality points for computation of GPA and no assignment of credit hours.
W Withdrawal from a course after the add/drop period, but before the seven calendar days following the midpoint of the course. Withdrawal from a half-semester course will be possible only within the first two weeks of the course. Withdrawal from a course may be initiated by either the student or instructor.
I See Incomplete Grade Policy below
AUDIT Course taken for no credit.

Students may initiate withdrawal from a course prior to the seventh calendar day following the midpoint of the course by obtaining the appropriate form from the Registrar and complying with the instructions stated thereon.

Faculty may assign withdrawal grades in a course after the add/drop period, but before the seventh calendar day following the midpoint of the semester. The faculty member will contact the student in question seven calendar days in advance of taking this action and inform the student that they are in jeopardy of being withdrawn. At this time, alternatives to withdrawal will be discussed. If a faculty member decides that it is in the best interest of the student and/or the Academy to withdraw a student from a course, the faculty member will send the withdrawal grade in writing to the Registrar via the Dean of Faculty with a copy to the student. An appropriate short statement about why the student is being withdrawn from the course will be included in this written notification.

Students may retake courses to replace a grade, provided the course is retaken at the Academy. The grade of the succeeding course replaces the original grade in the calculation of the cumulative point average, but both grades appear on the transcript.

Grades from other colleges are not used in the computation of the grade point average, although course credit is granted as described under the Transfer Credit section (in the Degree Requirements section).

Any changes in grades submitted to the Registrar must be approved by the Dean of Faculty.

Late Withdrawals

Late withdrawals will be approved only under extreme, documented circumstances. Requesting a late withdrawal due to a low grade in the class, lack of interest in the subject matter, a different learning style from that of the classroom professor, or a change of major/requirements are not reasons that will be honored.

If a student believes that extraordinary circumstances require withdrawing from a class after the deadline, the student must complete the following steps:

  • Write a letter or provide other communication fully specifying the reasons for the withdrawal.
  • Gather supporting documentation (physical report, court documents, hospital documents, counselor report etc.)
  • Meet with the academic advisor who will complete and sign a Withdrawal request form.
  • Meet with the Dean of Faculty for a signature on the request form.
  • Submit the signed form, along with the letter and documentation, to the Registrar.

Incomplete Grade Policy

Incompletes may be given at the discretion of the instructor and with the approval of the Dean of Faculty if a student, because of an incapacitating illness or exceptional circumstances beyond their control, fails to take a final examination or to complete a major assignment. A student who receives an incomplete when grades are recorded will receive a failing grade for the course unless the deficiency is rectified within two weeks of the conclusion of the semester or by a date determined by the instructor and approved by the Dean of Faculty.

When a local, state, or national emergency arises that adversely impacts the Maine Maritime Academy community and/or the institution’s academic calendar, the Dean of Faculty may direct faculty to assign grades of incomplete (I) to students when it is not possible to complete the curriculum required for the given course at that time. Thereafter, the Dean of Faculty shall, in consultation with faculty and department chairs, determine an alternative time frame to complete the impacted course(s) and to submit final grades for students by a certain date(s).

When a student receives a grade of incomplete (I) due to a local, state, or national emergency, and subsequently disenrolls from Maine Maritime Academy prior to resolution of the incomplete grade, the Dean of Faculty shall consult with the student’s faculty member(s) to determine a final grade or a “W” (withdrawal) for the student in the course(s).

Academic Forgiveness Policy

MMA students with prior poor academic performance may request, on recommendation of the Academic Board and approval of the Academic Dean, to have certain course grades removed from their cumulative and core Grade Point Average (GPA) calculations.

For students readmitted to MMA after at least a one semester absence OR currently enrolled students who changed their major at MMA, academic forgiveness may be requested if:

  • The student is enrolled and matriculated in MMA at the time of the request
  • The student has, upon return OR change of major, completed at least 24 credits at MMA and earned a minimum GPA of 2.5 for the courses completed after the readmission or change of major point.

Read the full Policy on Chapter 3 Academic Policies, 302-Academic Forgiveness Policy.

Academic Appeal Procedure

A student may appeal decisions made by faculty members involving grades, coursework and exams, and course attendance policies. The procedure outlined below is intended to ensure a fair and equal adjudication of student complaints which are not already covered under other policies and procedures, and which are strictly academic in nature.

Students must first bring their concern to the faculty member responsible for grading the academic work in question. If that conversation does not lead to a satisfactory resolution, the student may appeal to the appropriate Department Chair. A student who continues to feel a complaint has not been satisfactorily resolved may ask to be heard by the Dean of Faculty. The student must submit their case to the Dean in writing. The Dean of Faculty will convene an informal hearing with the student, the faculty member, and the Department Chair and/or program coordinator if appropriate. Following the hearing, the Dean of Faculty will convey their decision to all parties in writing. The Dean’s decision is final and will not be appealed to higher administration.

Confidentiality of Student Records

Upon written request, students, former students, and graduates are authorized access to records of their attendance, performance, and scholastic achievement. This policy is in keeping with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 as amended. The regulations are available to interested persons upon request to the Registrar and, as an official part of Academy rules and regulations, are located on the internal portal under MMA Policies. Any individual whose rights have been infringed upon may appeal to the President of the Academy or directly to the Secretary of Education, Washington, D.C.

Release of Information

Unless specifically requested in writing not to do so, the Academy reserves the right to publish directory information as defined by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 as amended. Such information, relating to students and student activities at Maine Maritime, includes a student’s name, address, date and place of birth, participation in athletics or other student activities, class schedule, degrees, awards, and other similar information.

Official Transcripts

For a nominal fee, transcripts are available through the Registrar’s Office. Official copies of a student’s transcript are sent directly to colleges, employers, and other agencies upon the written request of a student or graduate. Matriculating students may obtain copies of their transcripts without the official seal of the Academy for their personal use. No official transcript will be issued until financial obligations with the Academy have been met pursuant to current Maine law. In the case of loans, financial obligations must be in satisfactory status with the Finance Office in order for a transcript to be released.

Student Classifications

Full-time Student

A full-time student must meet the stated admission requirements for the undergraduate program for which they are applying; register for 12 or more credit hours each semester; register for a specific degree program; and comply with all Academy policies which apply to their degree program.

Part-time Student

A part-time student is one who registers for fewer than 12 credit hours per semester while meeting the stated admission requirements for the undergraduate program for which they are applying and who registers for a specific degree program. A part-time student must also comply with the established Academy policies which apply to their degree program.

Probationary Student

A probationary student is one who has been admitted to the Academy under the condition that they successfully complete stated special admissions requirements.

Non-Degree Student

A non-degree student is one who is not registered for a degree program at the Academy. Non-degree students must apply for admission to the Academy through the Admissions Office. Appropriate supporting documentation (copy of high school diploma, transcripts, etc.) will be required unless waived by the Vice President for Academic Affairs or their designee. Acceptance is based on academic preparation, potential for success, and course availability. Current MMA full- and part-time students have priority in course enrollment. Non-degree students are not entitled to MMA student services. A non-degree student can apply a maximum of 30 Maine Maritime Academy credit hours toward the Academy’s Bachelor of Science degree and 15 credits toward the Associate of Science degree.

Mathematics Placement of Incoming Students

Members of the math faculty and the admissions staff jointly review each incoming student’s admissions file to determine the most appropriate placement point in the math sequence. The student’s proposed major, prior math history, and SAT and/or ACT scores are all considered. The recommendation on initial placement can be modified if approved by the student’s advisor or program coordinator. In the case where a student transfers in credit for a math course or has appropriate Advance Placement Test scores, the transfer credit and AP score will take precedence.

Student-Athletes Academic Eligibility

In order for a student-athlete to be academically eligible for competition at Maine Maritime Academy, they must be enrolled full-time (minimum of 12 credit hours), be in good academic standing, and maintaining satisfactory progress towards their degree. To be considered “in good academic standing”, the student-athlete must meet one of the above criteria: either their overall Cumulative GPA exceeds the minimum requirements, or the student must meet or exceed the minimum requirements in the semester prior to their season of competition.

To determine the eligibility for fall athletes, including Student-Athletes for football, cross-country, soccer, golf, and volleyball, the spring semester from the previous academic year will be used.

To determine the eligibility for spring athletes, including lacrosse, the fall semester of that same academic year will be used.

Basketball spans two semesters, so to determine the eligibility for the fall portion of the student’s schedule, the spring semester of the previous academic year will be used. To determine the eligibility for the spring portion of the student’s schedule, the fall semester, from the same academic year will be used.

In some cases a student may have faced unique and/or difficult circumstances, which played a role in not meeting either requirement. Students who fail to meet either requirement may appeal. They must submit a letter to the Director of Athletics 1) outlining the issues; 2) addressing why remaining a member of an intercollegiate team will be beneficial to their development; and 3) how this involvement will aid in their academic success. If the appeal is approved by the Director of Athletics, the appeal is then sent to the Vice President for Academic Affairs for final review. The Vice President for Academic Affairs can approve or deny this appeal.

Non-Returning Students

In order to have an orderly manner in which to administrate the status of students who elect not to return to the Academy from semester-to-semester, the following policy will be followed:

  1. Students who do not pre-register will be placed in a non-returning status and the date of separation will be the last day of their activity in the current semester/cruise period.
  2. Students who pre-register but who do not show up for classes in the next semester will be involuntarily separated as of the end of add/drop that semester, or upon written confirmation of non-attendance, whichever occurs first.
  3. Students who do not pre-register, but who attend the Academy in the next semester/cruise period, will be allowed to matriculate on a space-available basis and will be billed the appropriate late fees as published in the Affording MMA section of this catalog.

Academic Standing for Undergraduate Degree Candidates

All students must establish a minimum cumulative grade point average, as defined below, to remain in good academic standing and to ensure class progression. All students (including first-year students) not attaining these standards will be placed on academic warning or academic probation, and may be ineligible for cruise/co-ops, or may be disenrolled.

The minimum cumulative grade point averages to remain in good academic standing and to ensure continuance at the Academy are:

  • For the first 18 credit hours attempted: 1.60
  • For 19-36 credits attempted: 1.80
  • For 37-54 credits attempted: 1.90
  • Thereafter: a minimum of 2.00


  1. Small Craft Design and Small Craft Systems require a 2.00 at the end of the first year of study. Students in the BIW curriculum must achieve a 2.41 (equivalent to 80 out of 100) or above each trimester of study.
  2. A minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00 and a minimum core grade point average of 2.25 in some majors are required for graduation. A higher minimum acceptable semester and/or cumulative GPA may be established by individual departments or academic programs. Core courses are listed under the curriculum for each major where appropriate.
  3. Each student must fulfill the required Academy and programmatic hours to demonstrate reasonable progress towards graduation as determined by the Academic Board. All undergraduate students must have at least a 2.00 grade point average and, if required by their major, a core course grade point average of 2.25, at the start of their fifth semester at the Academy in order to be considered as making satisfactory progress toward their degree. Students who do not meet these criteria will be classified as not making progress toward their degree.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

In addition to the GPA requirements outlined above, students must complete a minimum of 67 percent of coursework attempted. Units attempted or total enrollment terms may not exceed 150 percent of the published length of the program.

Academic progress will be evaluated annually, or every term for those students on academic probation. Completion rate will be determined from the listing on the transcript of credit earned and credits attempted, for both the term and cumulative. Credits earned off campus and transferred in will be included in the total attempted. Courses in which a grade of “W” is recorded will be included in the total credits attempted. Semesters in which a Leave of Absence is granted will not be included in the calculations.

When cumulative completion rate falls below 67 percent or whenever two successive (fall/spring) term completion rates fall below 67 percent, the student will be disenrolled from MMA.

Review of student records for progress will be included in the standard end-of-semester review currently conducted by the Registrar. Records that are flagged will be passed to the Provost by the Academic Review Board. The Provost will assess the record with the Registrar to determine if the student has failed to meet the published standard.

Dean’s List

A Dean’s List will be prepared at the close of the fall and spring semesters of each academic year. This will identify those full-time students whose semester GPA is not less than 3.3 and whose records indicate no course grade below C for the semester.

Students at Risk Policy

Students at risk are defined as all students currently on academic probation. A student at risk will:

  • Be required to meet with an assigned “special” advisor once a week and meet regularly with their academic advisor
  • Be allowed to register for only 16 credit hours of course work per semester
  • Be required to successfully retake all required courses they failed
  • Be required to retake all courses required as part of their major in which they received a grade of “D”
  • Be removed from the “at risk” category upon obtaining a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher

Academic Board

The Dean of Faculty chairs the Academic Board composed of the chairs of the Arts and Sciences, Engineering, International Business and Logistics, Ocean Studies, Marine Transportation, and Naval Science departments; one faculty member elected by the Faculty Senate; the Dean of Student Services; the Commandant; and the directors of Accessibility Services, Athletics, and Admissions.

Sitting as advisory members are the Registrar, and the directors of Financial Aid and Residential Life & Student Activities.

All students’ records will be reviewed for satisfactory academic progress at the close of each semester. An automated report will be generated using the standards listed above to identify students to be placed in one of the following statuses:

  • Academic Warning
  • Core Warning
  • Probation
  • Academic Disenrollment

The Dean of Faculty will consult with a subcommittee of the Academic Board and will review those students not meeting the minimal standards for continued enrollment and approve those listed for disenrollment. Students disenrolled will be notified and informed that they may appeal the decision to the Academic Board which will be chaired by the Dean of Faculty. To appeal a disenrolled decision, the students will be required to write an appeal letter and explain any extenuating circumstances that contributed to their poor performance, explain what steps they have or will take to correct the situation, and explain how they plan to meet the academic requirements, including participation in the PFD advising program. The Academic Board will review all appeals and their decision will be final. The Dean of Faculty votes in a tie.

Special Academic Categories

Students who fail to meet established academic standards may be subject to one of the following administrative actions:

Academic Warning and Core Warning

The mildest form of sanction issued by the Academic Board is an academic warning. Students will be placed in a warning status when their overall academic performance or core GPA performance does not meet minimum standards. Being placed on warning constitutes an official cautioning by the Academic Board that the student’s performance must improve or stronger sanctions will be imposed. Students remaining on either academic or core warning (or a combination of both) for two consecutive semesters will be judged as making unsatisfactory progress and will be placed on academic probation.

Academic Probation

Students on academic probation are considered “students at risk” and in a conditional status. Academic probation may also jeopardize the student’s financial aid status. While on academic probation, students must meet weekly with their “special advisor” and are encouraged to consult with their faculty advisor to ensure that satisfactory progress is made toward correction of academic deficiencies. Their academic standing is evaluated at the conclusion of the semester in which they were placed on probation. Normally, remaining on academic probation for two consecutive semesters without significant improvement will result in a recommendation for academic disenrollment.

Academic Disenrolled

Students not meeting the established academic criteria in regard to the minimum grade point average and failing to make satisfactory progress toward their degree may be disenrolled. Students who have been disenrolled for academic reasons may appeal this decision to the Academic Board.

Academic Activity While Academically Disenrolled

Students who are suspended or disenrolled from the Academy are not allowed to enroll in courses at the college. However, in unusual circumstances and with approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, students may be allowed to participate in some academic work at the Academy. Courses taken in this status will usually be allowed so that a student may demonstrate an ability to academically perform in a particular area(s) that is/are not normally taught in other institutions, or to repeat a course(s) under close scrutiny that may have previously caused particular difficulty. Such students will be matriculated as “Non-Degree Students.” Grades earned in such work will count toward a degree only with specific approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs upon consultation with the Department Chair appropriate to the student’s major.

Courses taken at another college or university will be considered for transfer credit by the Academic Board at the time of a student’s request to be readmitted. Students who are considering such work should check with the Registrar to ensure compatibility with the Academy curriculum.