The mission of the Regiment is to develop future leaders of industry and society through a challenging, structured environment that requires self-discipline, personal growth, professional development, teamwork, strength of character, and social responsibility.
Honor, Loyalty & Devotion to Duty
To live honorably is to do what is just, right and good. It connotes the importance of consideration of others as well as oneself, and the communal nature of human society. The good of others and the good of the community are important in any setting, but particularly so on a ship, due to the confined nature of life at sea, and the perils that all face collectively. One must be able to rely on one’s shipmates in all things.
Loyalty is the sentiment of devotion that one feels toward another, such as country, community, family, and friends. A Midshipman’s devotion to welfare of shipmates and the Academy is a measure of their honor.
Graduates of the Regiment of Midshipmen at Maine Maritime Academy are renowned for the “stick-to-it-iveness” which is known as devotion to duty. Even when the task is long, dirty, and difficult, the job gets done in good order, and with pride. This is a characteristic that separates the “good” from the “great”, and is a mark of a true professional.
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