Stephen Tarrant

Department: Marine Transportation

· Associate Professor - USCG

Phone: 207-326-2791
Office: 223 Dismukes Hall
Office Hours: [Office hours M, W, F 10-11 and by appointment. Please email ahead and propose a time. Scroll down to see my teaching schedule.]


Captain Stephen Tarrant, Associate Professor of Marine Transportation, has a long and diverse history in the marine industry.

Captain Tarrant received his B.S. in Biology from the University of Connecticut in 1987 and a Master's Degree in Teaching from Sacred Heart University in 1993. He is a USCG license master of unlimited tonnage for self-propelled, auxiliary sail, and towing vessels and has sailed as master and mate aboard container ships, tugs, passenger, fishing and research vessels as well as various gaff and square-rigged sailing ships.

In addition, Captain Tarrant has worked as a research biologist, naturalist, hiking and fishing guide, environmental educator, and high school science teacher.

Captain Tarrant's library of maritime training videos can be found on his YouTube channel "MMADECKPREP" at

B.S., University of Connecticut
M.A., Sacred Heart University
Master of Steam, Motor or Auxiliary Sail, unlimited
Master of Towing Vessels

Block Schedule: