Paul Wlodkowski

Department: Engineering

· Professor

Phone: 207-326-2368
Office: 104 Dismukes Hall
Office Hours: M (1000-1100 & 1400-1600) W (1000-1100 & 1400-1600) F (1000-1100 & 1400-1600), or by appointment.
[Or by appointment]


A native of Augusta, Maine, Dr. Paul Wlodkowski is a Professor in the Harold Alfond School of Engineering at Maine Maritime Academy. Dr. Wlodkowski has a long-standing commitment to organizations whose mission is to strengthen science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education. He has over 30 years of teaching and program management experience that encompasses the fields of engineering education, materials and reliability engineering, acoustics, statistics, as well as technical writing and marketing. Dr. Wlodkowski is a Fulbright Scholar, and his current academic research interests are in smart materials for energy harvesting, nuclear for maritime applications, and the history of science and technology.

University of Maryland | Ph.D., Reliability Engineering
University of Virginia | M.S., Engineering Physics
Dartmouth College | A.B., Physics & Economics (double major) cum laude
Harvard Business School | Executive Education, "Marketing Innovative Technologies"

Block Schedule: