Jeffrey Taub

Department: Arts and Sciences

· Associate Professor

Phone: 207-326-2634
Office: 116 Dismukes Hall
Office Hours: M,T,W,F (10:00 AM - 11:00 AM, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM) & BY APPT (M - F)


Jeffrey Taub is an Associate Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science in the Department of Arts and Sciences. He joined the faculty in 2007 following a 27-year career as a naval officer, retiring at the rank of commander.

Jeff has an M.S. degree from Maine Maritime Academy in Global Logistics and Maritime Management (2014), an M.S. degree from the Naval Postgraduate School (Monterey, California) in Operations Analysis (1987), and a B.S. degree from Cornell University (Ithaca, New York) in Statistics and Biometry (1980).

Jeff's service to the college includes Chair of the Department of Arts and Sciences (2013-2016) and Chair of the college's Academy Council (2015-2016).

B.S., Cornell University
M.S., Naval Postgraduate School
M.S., Maine Maritime Academy

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