Aaron Kingsbury

Department: Arts and Sciences

· Associate Professor

Phone: 207-326-2797
Email: aaron.kingsbury@mma.edu
Website: https://www.aaronkingsbury.net
Office: 418 Leavitt Hall
Office Hours: MW 9-9:50 Email me for additional times.


Dr. Kingsbury engages in development, agricultural, and geospatial technology research across Asia-Pacific. In addition to almost ten years living, working, and conducting fieldwork in Japan, he was a Taiwan Fellow in 2015, a U.S. Fulbright Scholar in 2021/22 (Vietnam), and a U.S. Fulbright Specialist in 2024 (Indonesia). Currently, he is collaborating with colleagues at Galala University in Egypt to co-design courses with embedded virtual student exchange activities.

B.A., German Literature and the Liberal Arts, George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
M.A., Geography, Simon Fraser University, Canada 
M.S., International Ecological Agriculture, University of Kassel, Germany
Ph.D., Geography, University of Hawaii, Manoa
A.S., Small Vessel Operations, Maine Maritime Academy, Castine (In Progress)

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