College Program Application
Apply by June 30th for the best chance of acceptance. After that deadline, contact us at 207-326-2465.
Incoming Freshmen
Apply by June 30th to be eligible for Summer Training. After that deadline, applications will be accepted until MMA’s Add/Drop deadline, which is at the conclusion of the first week of classes.
Current Students
Apply prior to MMA’s Add/Drop deadline for the upcoming semester. Applications will be accepted until Fall semester Sophomore Year. Students who submit applications mid-semester will begin participation the upcoming semester.
Questions? Contact us at 207-326-2465
What is the College Program?
The College Program is a way for non-scholarship students to join the unit while working towards earning a scholarship. Individuals in the College Program participate in unit events and apply for a scholarship while part of the unit and do not have a financial or service obligation. College Program Midshipmen must attend New Student Orientation prior to participating with the unit.
Side Load Scholarship
You can only apply for a Side Load Scholarship while in the College Program during your sophomore or junior year. College Program Midshipmen who receive a Side Load scholarship will have the same benefits and service obligations as Midshipmen who received the National Scholarship. The 1-, 2- and 3-Year National Scholarship Program is open to any college student (College Program midshipman or non-affiliated student) with at least 30 college semester hours (45 quarter hours), but no more than 120 college semester hours (180 quarter hours) of credits counting toward their degree, who wishes to compete for Scholarship or Advanced Standing. Side Load Scholarship opportunities are extremely limited and competitive, therefore it is rare that a non-affiliated student who has not been involved in the unit will receive this type of scholarship. It is highly encouraged that students who wish to compete for a Side Load Scholarship join the College Program early in their college career to increase their chances of receiving a scholarship.
College Program Benefits
- Provide uniforms and Naval Science textbooks
- Advanced Standing Stipend (if selected)
- Junior – $350 per month
- Senior – $400 per month
Advanced Standing
If a College Program Midshipman does not receive a scholarship by junior year, he/she may apply for advanced standing. If on advanced standing, a Midshipman will receive a monthly stipend and will be commissioned after graduation. Midshipmen on advanced standing do not receive a scholarship.
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