Jessica Muhlin

Department: Ocean Studies

· Professor

Phone: 207-326-2403
Office: 206 Dirigo House
Office Hours: [Please email me and we can find a convenient time to connect in person, via Zoom, or over the phone. ]


Jessica Muhlin is Professor of Marine Biology in the Corning School of Ocean Studies. She was appointed to Maine Maritime Academy's faculty in 2007.

Jessica received her Ph.D. from the University of Maine and her B.A. from Boston University. Her research interests focus on the reproductive ecology, population genetics and food web ecology of fucoid seaweeds in the northwestern Atlantic. Jessica is also actively involved in art-science collaborations using marine algae as inspiration.

Jessica's recently funded scholarship includes the development of a spectral library for seaweeds in the intertidal ecosystem and understanding how nearshore marine communities respond to rockweed harvest.

Ph.D., Marine Biology, University of Maine
B.A., Biology (concentration in marine sciences, cum laude), Boston University

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