2021 Training Cruise B-2

Day 8: Boston Bound

Posted on: April 27, 2021

1/C Todd plotting a 5 star fix during watch

Due to forecasted weather, our Cruise-A itinerary has changed. The T/S State of Maine will now be visiting Boston, Massachusetts, on April 26, and students on board the ship are starting their first multi-day transit.

Along the way, students in Alpha Company’s deck department will be practicing entering and exiting traffic lanes outside of Boston harbor. Students in the engine room will be closely monitoring the Main engine for its first multi-day running period. Students on maintenance have completed a full ship washdown on deck and have been working through regular preventative maintenance during engine maintenance. The utility company has been busy ensuring that the ship is kept in good order and that the trash is sorted according to the ship’s waste plan. In deck training, students have been learning about celestial navigation and line handling. Engine training is currently focusing on many individual systems that make up the engine room including the refrigeration units, the cooling water, and heat exchangers.

We’re excited to be underway again!

Students learning about line handling on the fantail


Disclaimer: Due to the Training Ship’s limited connectivity to the Internet, blog postings are delayed and are not intended for real-time communication. To communicate with your student, please send messages to his or her issued e-mail address.