Questions and Answers
If you have items checked out from the Library and need to keep them past the end of the semester, please contact the library at to renew them. We would be happy to renew your items until the Spring semester, but we need to hear from you in order to do this.
We’re here to help! If you are working on projects or papers as the semester draws to a close, keep in mind that our resources are available from anywhere at, and that we are on hand to help you via email, phone, chat, or Zoom! Chat hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday – Friday for help finding and citing quality sources for assignments in all subject areas.
If you have been exposed to someone diagnosed with the COVID-19 virus and get sick with a fever (100.4 F or higher) or cough, or have trouble breathing, or have lost your sense of taste/smell:
- Seek medical care. Call ahead before visiting the Health Center (326-2305), your doctor’s office, or an emergency room. Medical staff will ask you questions and properly prepare for your arrival.
- Tell your health care provider about your recent travel and your symptoms.
- Avoid contact with others.
The Health Center is open from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. If you need medical assistance after hours, please contact Campus Safety at 326-2479.
In the meantime, please continue to practice general hygiene and build your immunity by washing your hands frequently and thoroughly, avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands, getting enough sleep, and avoiding close contact with those who are sick.
You are considered “fully vaccinated” 14 days after your final dose of the vaccine. Please send documentation of your vaccinated status to Health Services (students) or Human Resources (employees) so we can update your status in the surveillance testing plan. We will test fully vaccinated individuals less frequently than unvaccinated individuals.
If you are identified as a close contact of a positive case and you are fully vaccinated, you will not have to quarantine if you are asymptomatic.
There is a plan to give every student the opportunity to cadet ship this summer. There are no guarantees as available spaces depend on what companies can offer, but if the berths are available everyone will have the opportunity to both cadet ship and complete their needed cruise during summer 2021.
Students preparing to cadet ship should focus on their studies and their class ranking, which determines who gets first opportunity at available billets. They should also monitor their email for communications from Deborah Harman, our Commercial Shipping Coordinator. Students should refrain from 1) contacting companies directly, or 2) asking for special treatment. If you have a personal or family connection with a company, please contact Deborah Harman for instructions.
The plan for co-ops will be developed in early spring in consultation with the host employers. Academy officials will make decisions regarding 2021 co-op placements based on guidance and information provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and host companies.
Students planning to participate should enroll in the summer course appropriate to the student’s major and continue to prepare and meet all course deadlines and pre-requisites, including physicals and all requested documentation.
Please direct questions on the following subjects to these contacts. Also, please note that email is the preferred method of communication. Thank you!
- Academics: Keith Williamson; or Susan Loomis;
- Athletics: Steve Peed;
- Regimental Office:
- Residence Life: Janice Folk;
- Student or parent concerns: Deidra Davis;
- Health Services:
PLEASE NOTE: Please monitor your email for updates as we will continue to provide additional information and updates as needed.
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