- An investigation into the performance of Brewer’s Yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, in alcohol production at various specific gravities and when supplemented with either dextrose or sucrose (PDF)
- Characterization of pH at Wadsworth and Hatch Cove, Castine, Maine (PDF)
- Comparing extractible chitin content of green crab (Carcinus maenas) with farm- raised Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) (PDF)
- The effect of the common periwinkle, Littorina littorea, on the biofouling and growth rate of the Eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in aquaculture (PDF)
- Influence of human disturbance on marine invertebrate biodiversity in Acadia National Park’s rocky intertidal community (PDF)
- Characterization of sound velocity structure of the Penobscot River in spring and fall 2017 (PDF)
- Small microplastics contaminate the sediment of the Bagaduce River Estuary, Hancock County, Maine (PDF)
- A comparison of wetland boundaries established by two delineation methods: Utilizing field-based techniques to delineate Rene Henderson Preserve in west Castine, Maine (PDF)
- Investigation of internal waves in the Penobscot River Estuary, Maine (PDF)
- Quantifying percent organic carbon of the thalli of various North American macroalgal species (PDF)
- A spatial analysis of microplastic densities in the Penobscot Bay Estuary on the central Maine coast (PDF)
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