- The development of Sea Lettuce, Ulva sp., paper products: fiber and fatigue analyses (PDF)
- Determining the hydraulic residence time of Penobscot Bay, Maine, by implementing a box model (PDF)
- The feeding response of Cucumaria frondosa when exposed to microplastic (PDF)
- Effects of feeding preference on the growth rate of the green sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensus (PDF)
- Evaluating the effectiveness of alginate extracts on wound repair of the redworm (Eisenia fetida) (PDF)
- The use of the common periwinkle, Littorina littorea, to control biofouling in suspended oyster aquaculture (PDF)
- The effects of the orange footed sea cucumber, Cucumaria frondosa, on pH and alkalinity (PDF)
- Investigating Optimal Foraging Theory with Cancer irroratus on Mytilus edulis and Mercenaria mercenaria (PDF)
- Characterization of cultivable microbes associated with three marine animals in the rocky intertidal shore (PDF)
- Detecting patterns between macroalgal species diversity and macroinvertebrate species diversity in a rocky intertidal shore (PDF)
- Effects of suspended bivalve aquaculture on the physical and chemical composition of sediment in the Bagaduce River, Maine (PDF)
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