- Extraction and characterization of lipids from three Gulf of Maine macroalgae (PDF)
- Rates of shell disease in subpopulations of lobster in Penobscot Bay (PDF)
- Silicon concentration comparison of five eelgrass (Zostera marina) locations in the Bagaduce River, ME (PDF)
- An assessment of the feasibility of low-cost oceanographic instrumentation (PDF)
- Effect of fluoxetine on the growth of the blood worm, Alitta virens (PDF)
- The role of epibionts and shell species in shell selection in the hermit crab, Pagurus longicarpus (PDF)
- A geographic model of the locations of prehistoric shell middens and their vulnerability to the changing coastlines of Frenchman Bay, ME, USA (PDF)
- Morphological effects on developing Artermia franciscana induced from UV-B radiation (PDF)
- The effects of macrobiotic exclusion on the composition of fouling communities in Castine Harbor, Maine (PDF)
- The effect of ocean acidification on metabolic rate (oxygen consumption) on the blue mussel Mytilus edulis in Penobscot Bay, Maine (PDF)
- The effect of ocean acidification on the claw strength of the green crab, Carcinus maenus (PDF)
- The effect of stocking density on growth rates of juvenile African chichlids (PDF)
- Effects of ocean acidification on the rate of limb regeneration and righting time in the brittle star, Ophiopholus aculeata (PDF)
- Fractal dimension as a means of quantifying and modeling the branching complexity of the brown macroalga, Fucus vesiculosus, growing in different wave exposures (PDF)
- The impact of submergence on the shell strength of the common periwinkle, Littorina littorea (PDF)
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