Special Parking Considerations

Throughout the academic year Campus Safety may request permit holders to move their vehicle to accommodate a MMA event, parking lot maintenance or campus construction.  While we strive to inconvenience you as little as possible, we ask for your patience and understanding during these events.  Campus Safety will send a campus-wide e-mail through your email account several days prior to the event that lists the date(s) and time(s) of the parking lot closure.  Students who fail to remove their vehicle may have their vehicle towed at the owner’s expense.

Golf Course Parking Lot

The Castine Golf Course is available to students with a valid Commuter parking permit only. It is available for commuter students to use from October through May. Spaces marked for Golf Course Staff are not to be used by students. Overnight parking is not allowed in the Golf Course. All parking rules apply to the Golf Course.  Failure to follow the parking rules may result in a citation.

Watchstander Parking

There is “Watchstander Parking” located behind Dirigo House near the Waterfront and two (2) spaces in front of Andrews Hall.  Only MMA students that are assigned watch aboard the TSSOM are allowed to park in these spots. These spots are available from 1900-0800 M-F, and 1600 Friday to 0800 Monday for weekend watches. All other times these spaces will be designated as faculty/staff parking. Any vehicle found parked in these spaces that is not registered to an on duty watchstander will be subject to a parking citation.

Snow Removal

During the winter months it may be necessary to empty a campus parking lot to accommodate for snow removal. If the snow removal must occur when classes are in session Campus Safety will work the Facilities Department to coordinate this effort. The MMA campus community will receive an e-mail from Campus Safety with details pertaining to the snow removal and instructions for the permit holder. Students/Employees who fail to remove their vehicle may have their vehicle towed at the owner’s expense.

City Streets

Maine Maritime Academy may assist the Town of Castine in enforcing parking regulations on the streets that border or encompass the campus.  These areas are also regulated and enforced by the Town of Castine.  Many areas are restricted by the day of the week (calendar parking) or the time of year (seasonal parking) which restricts parking between 11:00pm and 6:00am from November 1st through April 30th.  Please visit the Town of Castine parking rules at http://mainemaritime.edu/campus-safety/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2015/10/Traffic-Ordinance.pdf.


The academy recognizes that members of the campus community may need access to load and unload items. In order to accommodate this need, you may use the closest available parking space as long as you have your flashers on and do not leave your vehicle for more than 15 minutes.  Fire lanes, sidewalks or handicap accessible parking spaces may not be used for this purpose.  Once finished loading or unloading your vehicle please return your vehicle to the appropriate parking location for your parking permit.  If the need to load or unload a vehicle will extend beyond 15 minutes, please contact Campus Safety.

Prohibited Vehicles & Trailers

Vehicles that extend beyond the boundaries of a designated parking stall are not permitted to park on campus or the Waterfront. Oversized vehicles may park at the Penobscot Lot with the permission of Campus Safety. Trailers, campers or motorhomes are not permitted on campus during the academic year without permission from Campus Safety.

Vehicles parked on Maine Maritime Academy property must be operable at all times. Vehicles that are emitting fluids or any other types of material that may create a hazardous condition or damage the parking lot surface are restricted from parking on MMA property. An attempt will be made to contact the owner of any vehicle found in this condition. If the owner of a vehicle is not able to be contacted the vehicle may be towed from Maine Maritime Academy property at the owner’s expense.

Protecting Your Vehicle

Campus Safety Officers routinely patrol the Maine Maritime Academy parking lots looking for suspicious activities and parking violations.  Although our presence may deter criminal activity, we cannot be present 24 hours a day.  Campus Safety asks for your help in taking some simple steps to protect your vehicle.

  • Always lock your vehicle and roll up the windows
  • Do not leave your keys in your vehicle
  • Never leave your vehicle running unattended
  • Do not leave valuables in your vehicle. If you do, place them in your trunk or out of sight
  • If your vehicle has an alarm, make sure to use it
  • Use a steering wheel locking device
  • Use a locking gas cap
  • Never hide a second set of keys in your car
  • Report suspicious activities or persons to Campus Safety