Parking Enforcement

The Department of Campus Safety is responsible for managing the limited number of parking spaces available to the campus community.  To ensure a safe and efficient parking system, we ask everyone to abide by the parking rules and pay attention to the parking signs located throughout campus.  All Maine Maritime Academy faculty, staff or student who receive a parking citation will receive an e-mail to the address provided when registering for an MMA parking permit stating a citation has been written.   If you are not sure where you are permitted to park, ask a Campus Safety employee.  Vehicles found parked on MMA property in violation of the parking rules are subject to citations, immobilization or towing.

Campus Safety encourages faculty, staff and students to pay their parking citations online at However, if individuals want to pay a citation using cash or check they can go to the Finance Department located on the second floor of Leavitt Hall.  If a parking citation is paid within (5) calendar days of being issued a reduction of $10.00 off of a $100.00 citation fine and $5.00 off a $30.00 or $50.00 citation fine will be applied.  Failure to pay a parking citation within 30 days of the date listed on the citation will have an additional $15.00 fee added to the fine and placed on the student’s bill.  Campus Safety will issue a parking citation for the following violations:

$100 Fine:

  • Parking in a posted handicap accessible parking space without a MMA temporary hangtag, state-issued disability placard or license plate properly displayed
  • Obstructing a handicap accessible parking space
  • Utilizing a fake, inactive, stolen or altered parking permit

$50 Fine:

  • Obstructing a fire lane or fire hydrant
  • MMA faculty, staff or student parking in a visitor parking space
  • Parked in watchstander parking space when not on duty or outside the designated times

$30 Fine:

  • Permit registered to a different vehicle
  • Parking in a non-designated parking area (e.g. loading zone, access road, etc.)
  • Sidewalk obstruction: complete or partial
  • Parking over or outside the parking space lines
  • Improper parking permit for lot
  • Incorrect placement of parking permit
  • Displaying a damaged or illegible permit
  • Expired temporary parking permit
  • Failure to display permit
  • Parking on grass or turf
  • Parking in Commuter lot overnight
  • Parking in Faculty/Staff lot overnight
  • Permit not permanently affixed to vehicle

Parking Hours

Campus Safety will enforce the parking rules 24 hours a day, 7 days a week during the academic year. However, to accommodate commuter students studying on campus or taking an evening class, all Faculty/Staff lots (not including the Waterfront Campus) and Commuter lots will be open to all vehicles after 6:00pm on weekdays and at 6:00am on weekends.

Overnight parking is not allowed in Faculty/Staff or Commuter lots.  Vehicles are required to leave these lots by 2:00am. Any vehicle found parked in the Faculty/Staff or Commuter lots after 2:00am will be subject to a parking citation.  If a situation arises and a vehicle must remain parked in a lot overnight, contact Campus Safety before 2:00am.

Parking Citation Appeals

If you believe you were issued a citation in error, you have seven days from the date on the citation to submit a written appeal through the Campus Safety parking software at All appeals will be reviewed monthly by a three person appeals board. The board will decide to enforce or void the citation based on the information presented in the written appeal and from the campus safety officer who issued the citation. An individual appealing a parking citation will receive an e-mail from the appeals board describing the outcome of the appeal. The appeals board decision is final. It is the responsibility of the person appealing a citation to write a detailed appeal for the board to review. If the board decides to enforce the parking citation, the fine may be paid online at or at the Finance Department located on the second floor of Leavitt Hall.

Suspension of Parking Privileges

Any Maine Maritime Academy faculty, staff, or student who receives five parking citations in an academic year will have their parking privileges suspended for the remainder of the academic year.  Campus Safety will send an e-mail to the faculty, staff, or student notifying them that their parking privileges have been suspended and reason for the suspension. The employee’s supervisor will receive a copy of the e-mail for the employee’s fourth and fifth parking citation. If their vehicle is found parked on Maine Maritime Academy property during the remainder of the academic year, Campus Safety will immobilize the vehicle by installing a wheel immobilization device. The vehicle will be towed at the owner’s expense and risk to an off-campus facility. Persons picking up a vehicle that has been towed will be required to pay the towing agency for the tow and any storage fees. The cost of the tow is determined by the tow company, not the Academy. The Director of Campus Safety, or his designee, may revoke an individual’s parking privileges at any time, for any reason.

*** First year students may not have a vehicle on campus and are prohibited from purchasing a parking permit.  If a first year student receives 5 or more citations, they will not be eligible for a parking permit the following academic year.

Vehicle Immobilization

The Department of Campus Safety may utilize a vehicle immobilization device to immobilize any vehicle that has been cited more than 5 times, is parked in a handicapped spot without an approved permit, placard, or plate, or is parked in a non-designated area. When the Department of Campus Safety boots a vehicle, the officer will place a notice on the driver’s side window to indicate the boot has been applied. This notification will indicate who to contact for removal of the boot. The boot will only be removed after the operator has spoken with the Director of Campus Safety or their designee, and all fines have been paid. The operator of the vehicle will have 48 hours in which to contact the Director of Campus Safety or their designee, and resolve the issue, or the vehicle may be towed to an off campus facility at the owner’s risk and expense. If a boot is damaged or removed by someone other than the Department of Campus Safety, the person removing the boot will be charged for the purchase of a replacement and an investigation will occur. An incident report will be forwarded to the Commandant of Midshipmen and/or Dean of Students.