Vehicle Permits
All MMA faculty, staff and students who would like to park their vehicle on Campus, at the Waterfront or in the Penobscot lot during the academic year must register their vehicle with Campus Safety and always properly display a current MMA parking permit. The Department of Campus Safety uses a web-based parking management software that allows individuals to register their vehicle, purchase a parking permit, pay a parking citation or file an appeal at their convenience. You can log into the parking management software by visiting the website Permits may be purchased using credit cards. Once your vehicle is registered, students are required to send the state-issued vehicle registration to for review before a permit will be issued. Permits will be available at Campus Safety during regular business hours.
The first step to order a permit is to create a buyer account. – Instructions to Create Account.
Once you have created your buyer account, if you are eligible to buy a parking permit, you may proceed to purchase a permit. Instructions to Buy a Permit. When registering your vehicle, please make sure you have the following information readily available:
- Your MMA ID Number (It’s on the front of your MMA ID)
- Your Driver’s License Number
- Your vehicle’s current, state-issued vehicle registration (for VIN, year, make, model, color, license plate and owner information)
- Your vehicle insurance policy number
Student Permits
Resident Student Permits and Commons Permits are issued on a first come, first serve basis. Purchasing a Commuter Permit does not guarantee a parking space.
Due to limited available parking at Maine Maritime Academy, students may have only one permitted vehicle registered at any given time during the academic year. Student vehicles will be assigned a numbered permit which must be permanently affixed to the lower right corner of the vehicle’s windshield (i.e. the passenger side). Permits must be unobstructed and must be displayed in a way that allows clear view of the permit color and permit number. Permits that are obstructed are not considered valid. Permits that are taped on, laminated, damaged or placed on the dashboard will be considered improperly displayed and may result in a parking citation. Students are not allowed to transfer permits from one vehicle to another vehicle. If a student changes vehicles during the academic year, they must exchange their permit. Please refer to the “Replacement Permit” section below. Current living arrangements will identify the appropriate permit for each student.
*** First-year students may not have a vehicle on campus and are prohibited from purchasing a parking permit. If a first-year student receives 5 or more citations, they will not be eligible for a parking permit the following academic year.
Student permits are divided into four categories:

Resident Student: Students who are living in Curtis Hall* may purchase a Resident Student parking permit on a first come, first serve basis for $150. This permit, permanently affixed and displayed in the lower, right corner of the windshield (i.e. passenger side), allows the student to park in any “blue” parking lot reserved for Curtis Hall residents for the academic year.
* Students who choose to move out of Curtis Hall for the spring semester must return their “blue” resident student parking permit to Campus Safety. Once their resident permit is returned, the student will be issued a “black” commuter parking permit free of charge.

Penobscot: The Penobscot lot is an off-campus parking lot located on Route 199 in Penobscot, Maine. This lot is used to accommodate vehicles for students who are unable to purchase a Resident student or Commons parking permit due to limited parking availability on campus. Although there is no charge for the Penobscot lot parking permit, all vehicles must be registered with Campus Safety and display a permit to park in this lot. This permit must be permanently affixed and displayed in the lower right corner of the windshield (i.e. passenger side). A shuttle to the Penobscot Lot is available on Friday afternoons and Sunday evenings. Students are required to contact the front desk of Curtis Hall (326-2137, x2137) in advance to schedule a shuttle ride. Campus Safety may suspend the shuttle due to hazardous roads/weather conditions.
Motorcycle / Moped:

Faculty, staff and students who would like to park a motorcycle or moped on Maine Maritime Academy property must register their motorcycle or moped through Campus Safety. Motorcycles, mopeds and scooters must be registered to the current owner and display a valid license plate to park on campus. Motorcycle permits are free. A Motorcycle permit (green) must be prominently displayed on the motorcycle or moped at all times. Motorcycles and mopeds are permitted to park in designated motorcycle parking areas located throughout campus. Motorcycles and mopeds and motorized bikes are not allowed inside any MMA building for any reason. Due to the limited number of parking spaces, motorcycles and mopeds are not allowed to park in vehicle parking spaces. To facilitate snow removal, motorcycles or mopeds are not allowed to park overnight after November 1st. Motorcycle/Moped permits are issued for three-year periods, as indicated on the permit. It is the responsibility of the driver to obtain a new permit when the permit expires. If a motorcycle/moped is purchased or sold during this period, please contact Campus Safety to update vehicle information.
Employee Permits

Faculty and staff are required to register each vehicle that they would like to park on Maine Maritime Academy property. Employees will be issued one parking permit which will hang from the rearview mirror, allowing the employee to transfer the permit between registered vehicles. By displaying this permit, you will be allowed to park in the “Red” parking lots reserved for faculty and staff. If you purchase or sell a vehicle, please contact Campus Safety to update your information. Employee permits are issued for three year periods, as indicated on the permit. It is the responsibility of the driver to obtain a new permit when the permit expires.
Temporary Parking Permits:
A limited number of temporary parking permits are available for individuals who have a current Maine Maritime Academy parking permit, but are unexpectedly required to use a different vehicle for a short period of time (e.g. a loaner vehicle because your vehicle is being repaired). Faculty, staff and students are asked to contact Campus Safety to obtain a temporary parking permit prior to parking the vehicle on campus. Temporary permits will be issued for a set time period and are not to be used as a replacement permit. Please bring your MMA ID and state-issued vehicle registration to Campus Safety to obtain your temporary permit.
Replacement Permits:
It is the permit holder’s responsibility to return the original parking permit to the Department of Campus Safety before a new permit will be issued. Razor blade scrapers are available at Campus Safety to help remove the old permit from your vehicle. MMA parking permits are designed to tear and/or break when removed from a windshield. Campus Safety will accept a returned parking permit that is in pieces. When a parking permit is replaced, the old permit will be voided. If a voided permit is found on a vehicle parked on MMA property, the Campus Safety Officer will issue a parking citation and immobilize the vehicle. The individual using the voided permit will lose their parking privileges for the remainder of the academic year. An investigation will occur and an incident report will be forwarded to the Commandant of Midshipmen and/or Dean of Students.
Stolen parking permits should be immediately reported to the Department of Campus Safety. The student reporting a stolen permit will complete an incident report with a Campus Safety Officer that include a description of the incident, date and signature. A new permit will be issued at no charge and the stolen permit will be voided.
Each student is allowed two replacement permits per year at no cost. If any student should require further replacement permits, a $5.00 charge will be assessed per permit.
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