2022 Summer Training Cruise

May 24 | Noon Report, Status & 24 Hour Outlook

Posted on: May 24, 2022



Ship Status and Location:

LAND HO! We did a significant course change for the first time in several days this morning.  Now steering a 116° course as we make our way through the Azorean Archipelago. We could see two of the islands earlier this morning and will pass between two others later this afternoon.

Nearest land:

Ilha das Flores – Azores, Portugal – 50 Nautical Miles behind us to our WNW.

Water Depth –1500 meters

Weather forecast next 24 hours:

TODAY – ESE’ ly 10-20 kt seas 3-5’ Swell 4-6’ Air temp. 65°F

TONIGHT – SE’ly 10-15 kt seas 2-4’ Swell 4-6’ Air temp. 63°F

TOMORROW –Port forecast – Partly  Cloudy 60° F – 80% humidity Light easterly winds.

Major events next 24 hours:

ARRIVAL – Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal – 25th May 0800

Next Port Call/Date:

Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal – 25th May

Meetings/Events scheduled:

Man the rails in Salt and Pepper Uniform tomorrow on the way in to Ponta Delgada.


A representative from the US consulate in the Azores, Kathryn Hammond, will be aboard for a breakfast meeting and to tour the ship on the morning of the 27th.  If you have any questions about the US foreign service / State Department, please feel free to ask her questions.  This is a great opportunity to explore potential careers.

Portuguese Nautical terms of the day:

Mar – Ocean
Rebocador – Tug boat