2021 Summer Training Cruise B-1

Day 4: Anchors Aweigh!

Posted on: April 21, 2021

Bos’n and two students testing the Fast Rescue Boat

After departing Castine and anchoring at Turtle Head, we have weighed anchor and are making a trip around Penobscot Bay. Students learned the fundamentals of how to anchor in training and maintenance. Before leaving the anchorage this morning, we participated in one final abandon ship drill and the port lifeboats were lowered to the water and tested along with the Port Fast Rescue Boat.

During yesterday’s safety drill, the ship’s crew demonstrated the proper use and inflation of a 25-person life raft. It was all smiles about the deck as the students woke up to a breathtaking view of the Maine coast. Seniors are busy studying for coast guard exams and working on their sea projects; sophomores are doing homework and learning as much as they can from the seniors aboard.


Disclaimer: Due to the Training Ship’s limited connectivity to the Internet, blog postings are delayed and are not intended for real-time communication. To communicate with your student, please send messages to his or her issued e-mail address.