2021 Training Cruise B-2

Day 11: Celebrating Thanksgiving at Sea

Posted on: December 8, 2021

Sunny, NE Wind at 5-10 kts, 1017 mBs, 70°F Air

Today is the first full day at sea since Charleston and the MIDN are getting back into the daily work rotation. This is not just any day as today is Thanksgiving, which on-campus usually would constitute a large meal shared between students, faculty, and local residents of Castine.

Because of our current voyage at sea preventing this, the staff at Sodexo worked hard to produce as close to a Thanksgiving dinner as they could for the students and faculty on board. A statement was also issued by President Brennan to the crew of the TSSOM, thanking them all for their dedication to catching the students up on their sea time and wishing all aboard the TSSOM well during this holiday.

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