2018 Schooner Bowdoin

Bowdoin and her crew visit Lunenburg Nova Scotia

Posted on: June 10, 2018

Bowdoin Arrived in Lunenburg after several days at sea. Everyone was eager to finally step foot on land as some of the crew recover from seasickness. Lunenburg is a town full of vibrant colors, beautiful music, and friendly people! The crew explored the town in the afternoon, going to the maritime museum, restaurants, and shops. They were able to taste some homemade ice cream and went rowing around the harbor in Bowdoin’s Dory as the sun set. Everyone was excited to go for a swim and finally take a shower and they’re looking forward to another great day in Lunenburg!

DISCLAIMER: Due to the Training Ship’s limited connectivity to the Internet, blog postings are delayed and are not intended for real-time communication.