2018 Schooner Bowdoin

Offshore Sailing

Posted on: June 22, 2018

After the first 24 hours of sailing, the ship and crew are settled into the watch routine.

The crew rotate through four-hour watches with eight hours off. The on-watch duties include steering, lookout, ship check, and ships work as able. With good weather, the ship is moving along at a good clip to the SW with the crew taking care of the ship and keeping a safe watch. The saying goes, ports rot ships and men, and a well run ship returns to port from a passage better than when she left. A better ship is our goal, so the crew work to renew lashings, whip lines, polish brass, and all sorts of other work.

DISCLAIMER: Due to the ship’s limited connectivity to the Internet, blog postings are delayed and are not intended for real-time communication.