2018 Schooner Bowdoin

Offshore Passage to Lunenburg & Whales

Posted on: June 22, 2018

The ship and crew have been underway for 24 hours now from Newfoundland to Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. We have had good motorsailing weather so far with good prospects of a fair sailing breeze in the next 24 hours. The big news of the day occurred when the lookout saw large fins and splashing on the horizon. The ship sailed by a huge pod of pilot whales with several porpoises as well! The crew was entertained with whale watching for about an hour as we made our way down the coast of Nova Scotia.

walewatching off Nova Scotia

Clinton and Andrew checking out the whales

DISCLAIMER: Due to the ship’s limited connectivity to the Internet, blog postings are delayed and are not intended for real-time communication.