2017 Schooner Bowdoin

A great day to be in Canada!

Posted on: July 1, 2017

A great day to be in Canada! Happy Canada Day from Summerside PEI. The ship is docked at the public wharf with 3 other sail training ships. Our neighbors for this port visit are Picton Castle, Alexander Von Humbolt, and Peter Von Denzeg.

The crew has had a great time visiting with the other ship’s crews and welcoming the people of Summerside aboard Bowdoin to tell them about her history and current mission training future professional mariners. We had a busy day welcoming a total of 1300 people aboard, and ended a great day with fireworks put on by the town in celebration of Canada Day.

DISCLAIMER: Due to the Training Ship’s limited connectivity to the Internet, blog postings are delayed and are not intended for real-time communication.