We reached the port of St. Johns, Newfoundland at 0630 local time (-2.5GMT). The voyage has been a combination of motor sailing and a few excellent days of 9+kt sailing. Despite the motoring, we have kept our speed around an average of 5.5kts. We experienced heavy fog for most of the voyage, a sea state of 5-6ft occasionally up to 9′ with winds out of the east 15-20kts. A fairly weak low stalled ahead of us for a few days pumping easterly’s our way making Bowdoin work for Newfoundland.
The crew are all doing well and seem to be acclimating to the North Atlantic and its thick fog, stiff wind, and washing machine sea state. Morale is also good, which could be a result of the amazing meals and desserts we have been having. Or, like myself, have become enamored with our lovely schooner Bowdoin as she dances over the waves with little effort. Either way, life aboard remains good.
What have we been doing? Well sleeping, standing in the wet cold, eating, noon lessons – then repeat. We have covered the history of fishing on the Grand Banks, navigation lessons, engineering topics such as shipboard systems and conservation, and we learned about different ocean currents and how the water travels in rivers of the deep. Yes, you will find water from Greenland in the Gulf of Maine.
Post by: Captain Peacock
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