We are excited to work with you through your application journey – below is the process for a Veteran. Admissions decisions are processed promptly from the time of a complete application.

Application Steps

Submit your application using the Common Application. Once your application is submitted you will receive an email with instructions stating how to activate your application portal. This portal will guide you through the process and display your admissions decision.

The Common Application

A completed application includes the following, in addition to the application submitted through the Common App.

  • An official high school transcript
  • A letter of recommendation can come from a current employer, professor if currently enrolled in college, or a community member as a character reference.
  • Official college transcripts from any schools attended since High School
  • A DD214 and a Joint Service Transcript
  • If transferring from another Maritime Academy
    • A letter of Good Standing from the regiment.

The following documents can be supplied, although, not required.

If you would like to enhance your application the following documents and encouraged.

  • SAT/ACT scores
  • Resume
  • Additional Letters of Recommendation
    • These recommendation letters can come from any additional sources from your professional or academic life.
“The value for the education and experience you will receive is immense. I have grown so much as a person, received a high level of education that is both specific to what I want to do and very hands-on, and have made friendships and connections that will help motivate me to be the best person and mariner that I can be.”– John Egger ’23

Frequently Asked Questions

We are proud to welcome you into our community and look forward to helping you settle in Castine.

These important ‘next steps’ serve as a roadmap for you as you move through the enrollment process and become a student in August! If you have any questions about this process, remember that our Admissions team is here to help! Please reach out if you need any additional support during this exciting transition.

To accept your offer of admission and secure your spot in the Fall Class, you will need to pay your $250 enrollment deposit, which counts towards your tuition. Please log in to the Application Portal to do so! You can also submit your deposit over the phone with our Billing Office (207-326-2450).


Shortly after you received your acceptance letter, you should also have received an email from our office with the subject line ‘✔️ Next Steps as an Accepted Student’. Follow the instructions included in that message to activate your MMA Accounts and set up a new password. This important step will allow you to check your Financial Aid portal and receive Academy emails and updates.

Once you set up your account, please remember to check your email often. We don’t want you to miss any of the important information that we send your way!


You’ll need to use your MMA username and password to access the Financial Aid Portal and view your financial aid package. In order to receive a financial aid package, we’ll need your FAFSA. Any questions? Contact financialaid@mma.edu or 207-326-2205!


For students gaining an unlimited license or voluntarily joining the Regiment of Midshipmen we ask that you submit your uniform fitting by May 1 to to ensure your uniforms arrive in time for the start of school.


For all students in a Coast Guard license program, you are required to have a Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC*). Your TWIC and passport can be obtained prior to your arrival on campus. For more information, visit the official TWIC website and the U.S. Passport website. The documents required to obtain your TWIC and passport include your social security card and a certified copy of your birth certificate. If you have any questions about these required documents, please reach out to our office. We are happy to answer them!

For all students, a valid passport is highly encouraged.

If you are an international student, please contact admissions for more details.

Get excited to attend an in-person New Student Orientation session (NSO) this summer! You’ll get the chance to meet your fellow classmates and orient yourself to MMA’s campus.

You can register for your preferred date within your housing application.


If you are living on- or off-campus, you will need to complete your housing application! In this housing application, you can select a meal plan, register for an in-person New Student Orientation session, and fill out a roommate preference questionnaire. You will also use this housing portal for selecting a move-in day and time!


All students who have submitted their enrollment deposit will receive in the mail the USCG Medical Form, the Immunization Form and detailed instructions before arriving on campus. Please send these completed medical and immunization forms directly to Health Services (fax: 207.326.2129, email healthservices@mma.edu, or mail to Maine Maritime Academy, Health Services, 1 Pleasant Street, Castine, ME 04420).

Our Health Services Team is here to help! Please email healthservices@mma.edu or call 207-326-2305 with any questions you may have.

Incoming Freshmen

We need your final official high school transcript including your proof of graduation. Offers of acceptance to Maine Maritime Academy require successful completion of all courses and your high school graduation. Please send your AP and/or IB scores to the Registrar’s Office to be awarded credit (if applicable).

Incoming Transfer Students

Please send your final official college transcript, so the Registrar’s Office can award you transfer credit (if applicable). Note, only a grade of a “C” or higher is eligible for transfer.

Starting in May, check your MMA email account for instructions to register for your Fall courses!


If you have questions about billing outside of what is outlined below, please contact the Billing Office at 207-326-2243.

When and how do I pay my student bill?

Your first college bill will available online in mid-July and you will be able to access the information on the Self Service.

Are there payment options available?

MMA has an agreement with Tuition Management Systems (TMS) to offer a monthly payment plan.

TMS offers a 10-month plan with equal payments due July 1 – April 1. This plan can be used to cover all MMA costs or to supplement final costs after financial aid. TMS also offers a 10-month plan in coordination with loans for those who want to lower their monthly payments.

As a first-year students, you will receive information directly from TMS. If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact MMA’s Billing Office at 207-326-2243.

If you would like to sign up, you may do so online at the TMS website.

Maine Maritime Academy requires all students to have medical insurance. You are welcome to maintain a personal health insurance plan or to enroll in insurance through MMA. Visit our health insurance webpage for more information.


To be a successful student, you’ll need a laptop. You can either purchase one through MMA or bring your own!


All your hard work has finally paid off, and it’s time to come to campus! The packing lists for both regimental and non-regimental students are available on the New Student Information page.


We are excited to help you through the process of applying for and enrolling at Maine Maritime Academy. Additional information about being a veteran student at MMA can be found in the Veterans at MMA section of the website.

Courses from an approved military program are transferable where applicable. If you would like to have your credits reviewed, please submit a Joint Service Transcript (JST).

In accordance with federal regulations, Third Officer U.S. Coast Guard license students must be in training for a minimum of three years. Accordingly, except in unusual circumstances, transfer students or those expecting advanced placement in those majors must spend a minimum of this time in training.

Students who have been dismissed or resigned from the US Merchant Marine Academy, US Air Force Academy, US Military Academy, US Naval Academy, or a state maritime academy for improper conduct or pending disciplinary action shall not be eligible for admission to Maine Maritime Academy.

Typically, degree programs at MMA will take at least 3 years to complete, even with transfer credits. Because of scheduling, pre-requisite courses, and requirements from the United States Coast Guard, there is no guarantee that your required sequence of courses will be available in less than 4 years.

They can be reached at 1-888-GIBILL-1 (1-888-442-4551).

That is largely dependent on the chapter of benefits that you qualify for. For more information on your chapter go to: www.gibill.va.gov.

First, contact the VA and determine which benefits you qualify for. Then, get your Certificate of Eligibility (COE) or your Notice of Benefits Eligibility (NOBE). From there, you can connect with our VA Certifying Official, Casey Littlefield (casey.littlefield@mma.edu or call 207-326-2236).

If you are in an unlimited license program (MTO, MEO, MET, MSE-5, ), you are required to be in the Regiment of Midshipmen. Other majors may opt in to the Regiment.

Regimental Student Veterans are an incredible asset to the Maine Maritime Academy family.

We will provide on-campus housing for our veteran students during RPT but most move into off-campus housing after Regimental Preparatory Training. During MUG (Midshipman Under Guidance) month MUG requirements are adapted to fit our veterans’ schedules, and upper-class privileges are awarded. We suggest that participating Veterans reach out early so that we can work with you to develop a clear path to success. MMA has an active Student Veterans Association and an SVA lounge where you will find camaraderie across the different service branches at MMA. We encourage all student veterans to submit their Joint Service Transcript as soon as possible so that our registrar can award transfer credit and establish eligibility for the CLEP credit.

You may live off campus if you are over the age of 24 or have had at least 2 years of military service.

Off-Campus Living Information

Understanding Cost of Attendance, Tuition, and Aid are key to your decision-making process. Be sure to explore the questions below, and if you have others that we do not cover here, please contact our office!

The actual Cost of Attendance (COA) at MMA is unique for each student (where they are from, their major, etc.). The Cost of Attendance has two different types of costs – Direct Costs and Indirect Costs. When they are added together, that is your student’s COA.

Direct Costs – These are the fees that you have to pay. These include tuition, room and board (meals), general fees, licensing fees (for those in an unlimited license program), and Regiment uniforms and items (unlimited license programs only).

Indirect Costs – These are variable fees and may or may not be applicable to your student. An example is the laptop fee – if your student already has a laptop that meets the necessary standard (e.g. operating system, memory, etc.), the laptop fee can be removed from your student’s bill. Additionally, the cost of books may be lower or higher based on your student’s classes, while travel to and from home and personal/miscellaneous expenses can also vary in amount.


The COA at MMA is based upon an entire year (Fall, Spring, Summer) and includes Direct and Indirect Costs combined – there are no surprise or hidden fees – all our fees and costs are up front.

Unlike other state maritime academies, MMA’s COA includes everything, and we explain what each fee or cost covers!

When considering the financial aid offer from a particular school, or in comparing aid offers from multiple schools, you need to weigh your cost expectations against each school’s estimated total COA. The goal of this comparison is to better decide if you and/or your student can realistically manage the costs given the resources available to your family and the financial aid being offered by each school. Please visit the Financial Aid website for costs and additional information.

For tips on how to afford higher education and other useful information, please visit the Finance Authority of Maine (FAME) website.

FAFSA stands for Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Filing the FAFSA is the first step in applying for financial aid and is a requirement for students who plan to pay for education after high school with the help of federal, state, or institutional aid such as grants, scholarships, work study, and loans.

Completing and submitting the FAFSA is free – so be sure to apply at FAFSA.gov. The priority filing deadline for Maine Maritime Academy is February 1, but you can still send in your FAFSA after this date.

Students begin receiving financial aid offers beginning in December, so keep an eye out for this important information!

Note: Even if you as the student are paying for your own college education, families are required to fill out the FAFSA if they plan to claim you, the student, on their taxes if you are under age 24.

If you have questions about eligibility, student status, or anything with FAFSA, please visit the FAFSA website. Additionally, the Finance Authority of Maine (FAME) has a helpful page dedicated to all things FAFSA.

I was selected for verification. Why?

Verification is a process that requires schools to collect additional income and household information from some students. It does not mean that you did anything wrong! Check out this great video explaining verification.

  • If selected for Verification, all of your required forms will be in your Financial Aid Portal here


There are a variety of types of financial aid available to students at MMA.

Federal and private loans must be repaid. Grants, merit awards, and scholarships do not have to be repaid.

We offer the following types of aid:

  • Federal Direct Stafford Loan (Subsidized and Unsubsidized)
  • Parent PLUS Loan
  • Student Private Alternative Education Loan
  • Pell Grant and Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (SEOG)
  • State Grants
  • MMA Merit Awards and Scholarships
  • Federal Work Study

Please note that you may not qualify for all types of aid. For additional information, an explanation of each category, and eligibility requirements, please contact the Financial Aid office.

The Regiment of Midshipmen is a uniformed student body that fosters leadership, self-confidence, teamwork, self-discipline, honor, and integrity in young men and women. Participation in the Regiment is a federal requirement for students seeking an unlimited United States Coast Guard license in marine engineering or marine transportation. All students are welcome to voluntarily join the Regiment.

If you join the Regiment, you will participate in a ten-day Regimental Preparatory Training (RPT). This challenging program prepares students for life as a Midshipmen. After completion of RPT, you will begin MUG Month.

MUG Month provides ongoing training and preparation before your induction into the full Regiment of Midshipmen. MUG stands for Midshipmen Under Guidance. Students are referred to as ‘MUGs’ before they are officially inducted into the Regiment of Midshipmen.

For more information about the Regiment, visit the Regiment section of our website.

No, the Regiment is not a military program, nor is it connected to any branch of the military. Rather, the Regiment offers a structured student life with a focus on leadership skills.

Students in the Regiment are required to wear uniforms and are split between four companies (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta), so while it looks military-like, it is not.

There are no service requirements during your time at MMA or upon graduation.

We offer many opportunities to go active duty or join the reserves upon graduating from MMA. You may want to pursue the Navy or Marine Corps options with our NROTC Unit, join the Naval Reserves with the Strategic Sealift Midshipman Program, or find out about US Coast Guard Commissions!

Explore Servive Opportunities

Curtis Hall is the largest facility of its kind in the state of Maine, and you will meet your new friends and classmates as a resident there.

Unless your family plans on making that address their permanent home, you cannot live there until you are 21 or older.

If you have questions about this policy, please contact the Office of Residential Life at 207-326-2280.

Note: The Regiment of Midshipmen has additional policies for off-campus living. Please contact the Commandant’s Office at 207-326-2250 for more information about their policies

Once you are admitted and enrolled at MMA, you will begin to receive important information and communications from our Billing Office. If you have questions about billing outside of what is outlined below, please contact their office at 207-326-2243.

Your first college bill should be available online in mid-July and you will be able to access the information on the MyMMA. Please note that your bill must be paid, or arrangements made, no later than August.

MMA has an agreement with NELNET Campus Commerce to offer a monthly payment plan.

NELNET Campus Commerce offers a 10-month plan with equal payments due July 1 – April 1. This plan can be used to cover all MMA costs or to supplement final costs after financial aid. NELNET Campus Commerce also offers a 10-month plan in coordination with loans for those who want to lower their monthly payments.

If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact MMA’s Billing Office at 207-326-2243.

If you would like to sign up, you may do so online at the NELNET Campus Commerce website.

Welcome to the Mariner community, parents, and families! We are excited to have your join us and proud to have your student at MMA.

We encourage all parents and family members to join the Parents Association, or at least follow their Facebook page!

You can ask questions, get advice, receive important information concerning your student throughout the year, and get involved in the many events on and off-campus through the Parents Association.

This community is specifically for you and can be informative as well as supportive – just like you, they were first-time MMA parents once!

MMA’s Mailroom is often one of the busiest offices on campus! If you would like to send something to your student, please include:

Student Name
Maine Maritime Academy
Central receiving
70 Pleasant Street
Castine, ME,  04420

The Mailroom is located in the Alfond Student Center.

We are excited to hear that you want to come visit, however, we want to ensure the students stay focused, particularly during the first few weeks. Therefore, parents are asked to refrain from visiting their students until Regimental Induction Ceremony in mid-October.

The only exceptions are ‘away’ athletic contests, emergency medical appointments or care, and serious family events including major illnesses, injury, or death.

If you decide to attend an event such as Homecoming, please be aware that you may or may not be able to talk to your student, even if you see them.

We encourage parents and families to attend the Regimental Induction Ceremony in October to see all that your student has accomplished, watch them be inducted into the full Regiment of Midshipmen, and spend time with them. At the close of the ceremony, your student can head home for a long weekend!