2022 Summer Training Cruise

June 15 | Wing Night

Posted on: June 16, 2022

Today was Pete Johnson’s birthday! To celebrate his 80+ years, students gathered in the forward mess this morning and wished him a happy birthday. Later in the day, we had a fire and emergency drill to simulate a fire in the freshman berthing computer lounge, one of our biggest drills yet. Emergency squad communicated well and worked together to put the mock fire out.

Stryker training was held for Alpha company at 1800, and for Bravo at 1500. We are close enough to Maine now to be holding a Portland port brief. The preparation certainly helps to keep spirits high as we finish out this last stretch. Finally, as the day came to a close, we had wing night! Our wonderful Sodexo staff stayed late to make us a little extra food and boost morale on the ship.