2022 Summer Training Cruise

Day 12: COVID-19 Update

Posted on: May 5, 2022

All crew, staff and cadets aboard the STATE of MAINE were required to be tested for COVID-19 as part of the Bermudian government’s protocol in advance of our port call from May 12th – 15th. During this testing, several individuals tested positive for COVID- 19. Testing is still ongoing, and we expect to have everyone tested by early afternoon.  CAPT MacArthur reported all of this to shoreside personnel at MMA, MARAD and USCG and all are working to help with next steps. TSSOM is currently at anchor outside of Charleston and it is anticipated that they will go back alongside early this evening.  It is currently unclear if liberty will be allowed.

All who tested positive have been isolated, according to current CDC guidelines. Indoor masking, for all, is in effect.  All of those who tested positive have mild or no symptoms. Our medical staff will continue to monitor those affected and public spaces on the TSSOM will to be sanitized accordingly.