2022 Summer Training Cruise

June 4 | Noon Report, Status & 24 Hour Outlook

Posted on: June 4, 2022



Ship Status and Location:

Headed SW along the west coast of Iceland.  We are now back below the arctic circle.  This time tomorrow we will be all fast in Reykjavik

Position:  66° 24.4’ N 023° 40.7’ W

Nearest land:

Straumnes, Iceland, 12 miles to our east

Water Depth –180 m

Weather forecast next 24 hours:

TODAY – SW ly 15-25 kts Seas 3-6’ Air temp. 43°F Overcast

TONIGHT – SW’Ly 15-25 kts seas 3-6’ Air temp. 44°F

TOMORROW – SW’Ly 15-20 kts seas 3-5’ Air Temp 44 F°

Major events next 24 hours:

Arrival Reykjavik!

Next Port Call/Date:

Reykjavik, Iceland – 0600 – 5 June 2022

Meetings/Events scheduled:

  • Sundae night – 10 June 2000


Monday is a holiday in Iceland – Whit Monday, also known as Pentecost Monday is a public holiday which falls on the Monday after Whitsunday. Also known as Pentecost or Whitsun, Whitsunday is observed fifty days (approx. seven weeks) after Easter and 10 days after Ascension.

During this trip so far, we have gone from the tropics to the arctic.  We have covered over 45° of latitude and nearly 68° of longitude.  Yesterday and today we spent over 18 hours above the arctic circle.  Our shorts and aloha shirts from Florida have been replaced by hoodies, jackets and wool hats. On Wednesday we start the journey home.

Icelandic nautical term of the day:

Röng– frame of a ships hull.