2022 Summer Training Cruise

June 9 | Noon Report, Status & 24 Hour Outlook

Posted on: June 9, 2022



Ship Status and Location:

Headed SSW in the Atlantic to the east of Greenland.

Position:  62° 12.5’ N 030° 46.23’ W

Nearest land:

Hafnir, Iceland, 240 miles to our east northeast

Water Depth –1500 – 1600 m

Weather forecast next 24 hours:

TODAY – NE’ly 20-25 kts combined Seas 4-8’ Air temp. 55°F mostly cloudy

TONIGHT – E’Ly 25-30 kts seas 5-7’ Air temp 55°F Showers

TOMORROW – E’Ly 15-20 kts seas 8-12’ Air Temp 56 F°

Major events next 24 hours:

Secure for sea

Next Port Call/Date:

Portland, ME 18-June-2022

Meetings/Events scheduled:

  • Sundae night – 10 June 2000


When we get to Portland everyone will need to get their passport checked and will need to submit a declaration form to customs.

Icelandic nautical term of the day:

Wear(ing) the ship – to change the tack of a sailing vessel, especially a square-rigger, by coming about so that the wind passes astern