2022 Summer Training Cruise

June 12 | Noon Report, Status & 24 Hour Outlook

Posted on: June 12, 2022



Ship Status and Location:

Headed SSW in the Atlantic Ocean.

Position:  52° 36.3’ N 044° 29.7’ W

Nearest land:

Cape Freels, Newfoundland, Canada 400nm to our SW

Water Depth – 3000 – 4000 m

Weather forecast next 24 hours:

TODAY – WSW’ly 20-25 kts combined Seas 10-12’ Air temp. 47°F Overcast

TONIGHT – W’Ly  10-15 kts Combined seas 6-8’ Air temp 40°F Showers

TOMORROW – NNW’Ly 0-15 kts combined seas 4-6’ Air Temp 38 F°

Major events next 24 hours:

Paint night tonight – Make Bob Ross proud

Next Port Call/Date:

Portland, ME 18-June-2022

Meetings/Events scheduled:

  • 12 June – Paint Night
  • 14 June – Cribbage Tourney
  • 15 June – Burial at sea – Elmer Perkins (MMA 1945) after morning muster
  • 15 June – WING NIGHT!!!


We are almost on the back side of this particular weather system. The sun is out! Hopefully we’ll see good weather for the rest of the trip to Portland. We are tracking a system that could impact us on the 15th with a short period of beam seas. Will keep you posted.

Nautical term of the day:

BROACH: an abrupt, involuntary change in a vessel’s course, towards the wind, resulting from loss of directional control, when the vessel’s rudder becomes ineffective. This can be caused by wind or wave action.