Good day, family and friends. As we transit east towards Europe, we advance the clocks an hour every day or so to keep up with the time zone in which
we are navigating. It is much like a drive from California to Maine when it is required to advance your clocks for Mountain, Central, and Eastern time zones. This morning we woke to a beautiful day with temperatures in the sixties and sunny. The seas are pretty flat and it was nice to leave yesterday’s cool and drizzly conditions. We are truly experiencing the pleasantry of fair winds and following seas. As of noon today, we were about 500 miles into the Atlantic Ocean and steadying into an underway routine tackling the many tasks necessary to keep TSSOM spinning like a top and looking sharp.
- 2/C Broderick, 4/C Merritt, 4/C Cameron Smith, 4/C McClain, and 4/C Sattler prep line for stowage
- 4/C Pellechia, Pelletier, and Pono await orders while on maintenance
- 2/C Ambrose looks to determine Local Apparent Noon (LAN)
- 2/C Olson teaches Alpha 4/C about messenger lines and their monkey fist
- 4/C Farris keeping the engine room clean
- Evon and 4/C Kinsey painting #1 Ship Service Diesel Generator (#1 SSDG)
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