This morning we conducted an interment at sea ceremony for Walter Travis, a previous Chairman of the Maine Maritime Academy Board of Trustees. Working as a Trustee was one of highlights of Mr. Travis’s life. His son, Roger, passed to us:
I cannot over emphasize how much Maine Maritime Academy meant to dad. The opportunity to represent the institution internationally on many cruises, to visit class rooms, to work with the administration and leadership team to advance the Academy, and to just be back at sea were so significant.
The weather was beautiful today. As we get closer to the Mediterranean, we’ve starting seeing an increase in sea traffic. Time changes are one of the routines at sea we’ve been learning to manage. We advanced clocks another hour last night, making the total clock time difference five hours from us at sea to those of you in the Eastern Time Zone. Noon time to us is 7:00 AM to you. and we still have another hour to advance until our clocks are aligned with Cadiz.
We remain busy tending to our assignments with only three days until we reach our first port visit.
- (L toR) 2/C Makayla Lewis (Cadet Master), Captain Les Eadie (Master, TSSOM), 2/C Anthony Franchetti (Regimental Executive Officer (RXO)) and 2/C Matthew Cook (Regimental Operations Officer (ROO)) as Mr. Travis is committed to the sea while the Regiment of Midshipmen and staff pay their respect during this morning’s internment at sea ceremony
- 4/C Schmidt, hanging loose, while driving the ship as helmsman and 2/C Kelshaw attending to business as the Midshipman Officer of the Deck (MOOD)
- 4/C Magliozzi, Heminway, Soobitsky, busting suds and washing dishes after the morning meal
- 4/C Frazier and Benson getting after the “dust bunnies” while keeping TSSOM ship shape
- 4/C Farris works on the starboard lifeboat davitís preservation (preparation of the surface for paining)
- Delta Company 4/C learning line handling skills this morning under the tutelage of Captain Slazas
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