2017 Summer Training Cruise

Day 25 | Land Ho! Greetings from Tenerife

Posted on: May 29, 2017

As we woke up this morning, we were treated to a lovely view of the island of Las Palmas off the starboard beam.  We’ve made it across the ocean! It’s been a long time coming, and everyone is ready to enjoy the island and all it has to offer.  As for today, it’s business as usual.  Alpha was tending to mooring lines, winches, and painting on Maintenance, Bravo is in Training, Charlie is on Watch, and Delta is on Utility. Our pilot came on board at 0800 and by 0902, first line had been called by Captain Eadie.  Everyone is waiting for liberty to be called, so they can go out and see what the city has to offer.  With a bit of luck, some photos will be posted from port of happy students enjoying the scenery.  Adios, for now!

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