Location: Castine Departure
Weather: Partly Cloudy Wind: 10 – 12 Seas: slight chop
The Training Ship’s rails were lined with the finest of Maine Maritime Midshipman today. Friends and families echoed with a formation of their own along the waterfront to see the ship depart. Despite a brief flurry of snow, spirits were high and anticipation grew until 1400 where the last mooring lines were cast off. With the help of a few tugs, including the Academy’s own Pentagoet, TS State of Maine was skillfully spun about and sailed out of the Harbor. Bravo Company became the first to assume “At Sea” watches, Delta continued their training, Alpha took maintenance, and Charlie was the utility company. Shortly after departure we anchored off of Turtle Head, where the lifeboats were tested. We have since weighed anchor and are now underway. Next stop, Charleston, SC!
- Bravo Company; always smiling.
- Midshipmen on deck maintenance work as a team to haul the final mooring line aboard.
- Apparently the new saying is “Suns out GoPros out”, pretty sure that rhymes…
- The tug, Pentagoet, helps to turn the ship around as the mooring lines are cast off.
- 2/C accompanied by 4/C posing candid prior to line handling on the bow.
- 2/C O’Leary, the Regimental Public Relation’s Officer, documents the departure.
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