Location: 41° 9.4’ N, 66° 50.9’ W
Weather: Partly Cloudy Wind: 8 – 10 SW Seas: 1 -3 feet
Our first full day at sea. Several students were out of action for part of the day due to seasickness but most have recovered and are currently developing their sea legs. Midshipman and crew are once again getting accustomed to the routines at sea as they carry out the same duties as yesterday. Delta Company 2/C Engineers were officially assigned their Plant Analysis Project which encompasses an in-depth thermodynamic exercise and examination of many shipboard machinery; something the aspiring 4/C Engineers will get to look forward to on their 2/C cruise. Alpha assumes the watch tonight at midnight and Bravo takes up maintenance for the next two days until we get to Charleston.
- Engine Training reviewing Fire Control Systems.
- Cadets look on as the main engine is started for the first time.
- 4/C Williams keeps watch on the bow.
- 2/C Burleigh and Dillon taking soundings in a saltwater ballast tank.
- Dolphins spotted by lookout.
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