2016 Summer Training Cruise

Day 15: Cuba in the haze

Posted on: May 20, 2016

Location: 22° 39.1’ N, 76° 37.1’ W
Weather: Clear            Wind: 12 kts E                       Seas: 1 – 2 feet
Alpha: Maintenance                Bravo: Training           Charlie: Watch            Delta: Utility

Midshipmen were greeted this morning with views of Cuba in the haze off the port beam.  Our course takes us along the island’s northern shore.  It is a fairly popular route for both cruise and cargo ships, as well as small fishing vessels, so the lookouts have had their work cut out for them today.  We are making good progress and are now due to arrive in Tampa on the 26th of May. The Training ship will be docked for 5 days, as opposed to the scheduled 3, due to the repair time needed for the broken cylinder head bolt.

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