2016 Summer Training Cruise

Day 16: The Midnight Commandos

Posted on: May 21, 2016

Location: 23° 27.1’ N, 80° 33.4’ W
Weather: Clear          Wind: 10 kts E                     Seas: 1 – 2 feet
Alpha: Maintenance              Bravo: Training           Charlie: Watch            Delta: Utility

Today the Training Ship was steaming just off the coast of Cuba; visible to those berthed on the port side. The weather continues to prove that it is here to stay, hot and humid says it all. This is the last day of the current watch rotation as companies prep for a change of pace before Tampa. The Midnight Commandos, the dedicated midshipman ready to sacrifice sleep in order to make the State of Maine look new again (and generate some cash), had their first mission tonight. All was smiles, sweat, and hard work.

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