2016 Summer Training Cruise

Day 26: Headed for Galveston

Posted on: May 31, 2016

Location: Departing Tampa
Weather: Clear       Wind: Calm           Seas: Calm
Alpha: Watch         Bravo: Training         Charlie: Maintenance         Delta: Utility

The ship departed Tampa, Florida this morning, headed for Galveston, Texas. Even after an extended port stay, Midshipmen could be seen on deck making final calls home to friends and family as we left port. Calm seas allowed Charlie Company to have a productive first day of underway maintenance, while Bravo became the second company to take the first round of training tests. While in Tampa, students enjoyed a Major League Baseball game, a port reception with alumni and prospective students from area maritime high schools on top of the typical in-port diversions. The warm weather hasn’t gotten warm yet, and students are looking forward to the relatively short passage to Galveston.

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