2016 Summer Training Cruise

Day 27: Honoring Captain Paul Spear, ’72

Posted on: June 1, 2016

Location: 23° 41.8’ N, 85° 16.3’ W
Weather: Clear     Wind: Calm          Seas: Calm
Alpha: Watch       Bravo: Training        Charlie: Maintenance      Delta: Utility

Today began on a solemn note, with students and crew alike formed up on the fantail to honor the passing of MMA Alumnus and longtime supporter of the school, Captain Paul Spear, ’72. After muster, students fell back in to standard shipboard routine. Bravo Company learned some basic chart plotting in deck training, while Charlie continued painting, both on deck and in the engine room.  Midshipmen have been notified of a major room and personnel inspection in a few days, and both the 2/C and 4/C are scrambling to get haircuts and clean their rooms in time.

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