2016 Summer Training Cruise

Day 30: Room and dress uniform inspection

Posted on: June 4, 2016

Location: 27° 5’   N, 91°   52.4’ W
Weather: Passing showers         Wind: 12 kts W             Seas: Moderate Swell
Alpha: Utility         Bravo: Maintenance           Charlie: Training              Delta: Watch

Midshipmen woke this morning to noticeably cooler temperatures and reduced humidity, for which they were extremely grateful. Oil rigs have been sighted to port and starboard, keeping the lookouts busy, and providing some additional scenery on the horizon. A room and dress uniform inspection was also carried out this afternoon, with great success. The upperclassmen and freshmen all looked “stellar” and had their rooms squared away, properly stowed for sea. Bravo Company assumes the watch tonight, while Delta takes over Maintenance until we arrive in Galveston.

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