2016 Summer Training Cruise

Day 36: Underway out of Galveston

Posted on: June 10, 2016

Location: 26° 50.4’ N, 90° 1.2’ W
Weather: Partly Cloudy         Wind: 8 kts S         Seas: Calm
Alpha: Training         Bravo: Maintenance         Charlie: Utility         Delta: Watch

Everything is going smoothly as we finish our first full day underway out of Galveston. A fire and boat drill went extremely smoothly, much to the satisfaction of both the crew administrating the drill and the students mustered out in the hot sun. The juniors are almost done with their cruise and are preparing to take their final exams, while the freshmen are approaching the halfway point, and are beginning to worry about their own flashlight exams, even though Alpha Company finished the first round of exams just yesterday. Students are looking forward to another day of the Iron Mariner Challenge tomorrow afternoon, and are preparing for yet another inspection next Thursday.

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