2016 Summer Training Cruise

Day 39: Always work to be done

Posted on: June 13, 2016

Weather: Overcast        Wind: 6 kts W       Seas: Moderate Swell
Alpha: Utility       Bravo: Watch        Charlie: Training         Delta: Maintenance

Day two of 2/C Flashlights as Charlie Company eagerly congregated around the 3-Deck Classroom, early, at 0745. Delta, on the other hand, didn’t waste any time enthusiastically cleaning the decks and engine room as they successfully completed their Training “8” test evolution. Wax and stripper filled the air today as all prep for Room and Personnel Inspections coming up in three days. Upon completion of a long day’s work; a handful of Cadets breathed a sigh of relief as they took part in several eventful games of “Super Mario Smash Brothers”. As it turns out; you’re never too old to act like a kid.

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