Location: 35 58.0 N 068 58.2 W Course 270 Speed 14.0 kts
Weather: Cloudy Wind: W 20 kts Seas: Moderate swell
Tropical Storm Charlotte, although pretty weak, was strong enough to roll us around a bit for the first half of the day. By early afternoon things started to calm down again and we were able to open the weather decks again. In the evening, Sodexo hosted “Wing Night” on the forward mess deck. LT Fell took the opportunity to organize a hot wing eating contest that was well attended. Sam “Wing-chester” Mondonedo was crowned the Wing King, edging out Travis The Winner” Emerson, despite Emerson’s nickname. We hope to have a few photos of the action posted in the blog tomorrow.
Photos & Captions by 4/C Knox and 4/C Slocum:
- 4/c Brigante and 4/c Curzake cut a piece of pipe to thread today in engine training.
- Charlie 4/C learn about pollution regulations in this afternoon’s engine training lecture.
- [Image:delta plaque.jpg] Delta 2/C work on their Cruise 2015 engine plaque in the machine shop.
- 2/c Emerson along with 4/c DiBiase and 4/c Goodine fill out a Job Safety Analysis sheet before proceeding with their maintenance tasks for the day.
- Delta engine maintenance prepare to weld some brackets for the propeller blades we will be taking on in Virginia. Each blade will be about 6.5 feet tall and needs to be secured for our transit home.
- The Plumber works with a team from Delta engine maintenance to fix and replace flushometers.
- 4/C Haith lost his cover to the wind and had to step back into his old shoes as MUG Haith and wear a Dixie cup today.
- A team of students from Delta engine maintenance work together to a broken dryer in the 01 aft laundry room.
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