Location: 41 40.8 N 069 36.8 W Course 153 Speed 8.3 kts
Weather: Mostly Sunny Wind: SSW 10 kts. Seas: Slight Southerly swell
You may notice our speed is a bit low. We have been transiting Whale Area North since just after sunrise and are required to stay below 10 kts while in this area. Once we clear to the south, we will speed back up and should be off of New Jersey by morning.
Today Charlie was on maintenance and the engineers were working on the oil fired boiler while deck was making the most of the clear weather to get some scraping and painting done. Delta was on training and engineers had lectures early on followed by working on their thermodynamics projects while on the deck side the 2/C taught some basic marlin spike to the 4/C and got to work on their navigation project in the evening.
Whenever there was a break in the work, the students and staff were entertained by a huge pod of dolphins that seemed to be with us all day and there were several finback whale sightings as well.
- Watching the sea mammal entertainment as sunset approaches.
- Performing preventive maintenance on one of the two rescue boats & davits.
- We maintain a paper plot as well as the computer track on the ECDIS.
- Laying out the plan for servicing the oil fired boiler.
- Knot tying with the 2/C.
- Sometimes you have to bend the pipe to the shape you need.
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